the meeting.

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i'm really listening to Fight Song to get into the X Reader mood huh
Cover photo is concept art ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

so basically theres this thing called lost souls and uhhhhhhh long story
just pretend ur the lost soul in the cover photo idfk
what the fuck am i even doing anymore

anyways chapter one, enjoy????


Rushing wind.
Deep breaths.
These are all sounds you hear, surprisingly enough.
Now, you don't know how you came here, you just followed some sparkly, grey cat???

They just spotted you and-

Everything went black.
Did they just hit you with a spell?
Did you just black out??
They seemed to be powerful...


"Huh, what? ... YOU!!"
"Shhhhh.... hush random being i hit"
"At least take me out to dinner first, geez"
"what the f- , anyways, i'm Astra and that was completely on purpose because you literally appeared out of nowhere, and im suspicious of you."
You look around. You seemed to be in a snowy tundra, with a small river fairly nearby. Astra had grey/dark grey fur with blue and red ... things ... and a moon crescent hairclip... thing...
Your F/C fur had snowflakes littered here and there, from Astra hitting you.

"How did you even get me that hard?" You asked them, to which they just blinked at you.
"Sooo, do you know pokemon??" they asked back.
you only slowly nodded in reply.
"ok theres this move called swift right? yea kinda like that but it's real."
now it was your turn to just stare and blink.

"Moving on, i'm here in search of this kid called Tip, they're this literal child who has really powerful, well, powers and are stealing the souls of some, and corrupting others, the one's without souls, are called 'Lost Souls' and they're able to be reformed, buuut," they took a breath, "I don't know how to, it seems they could help us find a way to fight tip..."

"Maybe i could help!!" You shouted out, startling Astra. Sure, you literally just met, but it seems like you could become allies, maybe even friends! (*cough* Almost like that's what the fic is about, dumbass /lh, thinking about it, is this a fanfic or just a fic because i'm literally the creator of all these characters... writing x reader for them.... moving swiftly onward *COUGH*)
"I uhm, sure?? i guess??? random stranger????" Astra replied, trying to form a smile.
"Well, we're no strangers to love," you started, before Astra cut you off.
"Don't you dare..."
"You know the rules, and so do iiiiiiii~"
Astra turned to face around, back facing you.
"I'm leaving without you if you keep this up, you're already probably gonna follow me, so its not worth resisting, unfortunately..."
"a full commitments what i'm thinking offffff~"
Astra sighed.
"You wouldn't get this from any other guyyyyyy, k' i'm done now"
"Thank god"
It can be hard walking in the cold, only a few snowy trees here and there, the crunching of snow under your paws (if you have them), and sunset slowly, but surely, approaching.
"Ok, so i don't have a map, but according to main character syndrome, there should hopefully be a friend of my sister's house somewhere here.."
You stared at them. You seem to do that a lot. So does Astra. It's like you both find eachother weird, but in a good way."
"Main character syndrome?" you smirked, "shouldn't that me my title?"
They chuckled. "Shouldn't you be climbing up school rooftops, singing fight song whilst untying your long, blonde hair?"
"I'm not human." you jokingly stomped your foot.
"Maybe not in this universe, perhaps in a different universe you're reading an x reader of characters you don't even know about, whilst being a human!"

That made you think.
Best to ignore it...

It suddenly hit you.

No, not a thought, just a snowball.
Thrown by some cat? dog? fox? with a long tail.
They had yellow fur, purple ears, purple tail, purple freckles, one light purple paw, and a necklace with a red gem.

"Who the fuck is that?" you questioned, before getting hit in the face with another snowball.
"Hmm" Astra hummed. "Seems like another main character."
"Will you ever stop that?"
"Stop what?" the grey cat smirked.
"The- y'know what, i give up"

*snowball sound*
(i don't know what sound a snowball makes ok? i asked my 'friend' *wink* and he said 'Bazinga' so i guess thats what a snowball sounds like now)

That purple/yellow... creature...? Keeps throwing snowballs!
Wait, they aren't using their hands?? paws??
Is that, telekenesis?
Wait, wheres Astra?

"what the everloving fuck just happened" , an unfamiliar voice said.
"Why did you slap them?! That's MY thing >:(", you heard Astra reply.
"Cuz its funny lol, also how did you do that?"
"Do what?"
"That face."
"Thiiiissss? ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_"
"What the actual fu- oh. You're finally awake."
"It's been five minu-"
You were laying face up on the floor, and when you opened your eyes, there were two sets of eyes on you.
One was red and blue, one was a pair of sparkly purple eyes.
Astra started to speak to you, "Y/N, this is Eifie! He's got cool powers that get stronger in the sun! Similar to mine actually, my powers get stronger under starlight!"
You stared at the duo in awe.

a/n 29/8/22
(i'm british ok i use the british dates)

THE ORIGINAL TEXT SAID 'Sparkly blue eyes'

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