Chapter Seven

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For the next two weeks, we focused on stopping the Blood Dawns from gathering any more supplies. It'd been a pretty demanding task, especially combined with having to get into their mainframe and keep us updated on their plans. Steve and I hadn't fought in nearly two weeks which was strange. We hadn't had much time to talk but we'd squeezed in a few walks here and there. I'd managed to not accidentally hold his hand again but there'd definitely been a time or two where we were too close and I'd thought about just kissing him. He had gotten more comfortable around me which meant he stood closer to me, touched me more, and talked to me a lot more. None of which I minded other than every time he touched me or stood too close to me, I'd lose my train of thought and act all dumb. We were on our way to another long day of terrorist prevention in a different country. I was partnered with Nat today and the boys were staying outside to catch any stragglers. We were there to get more data about their upcoming attacks and we all agreed Nat and I could get in and out the quickest. I led the way into the building like normal since I was a little more bulletproof than she was. We made quick work of everyone in the entryway and stopped just outside the door that would take us to their computers. I peaked around the corner and counted seven men. "There are seven people, easy work," I whispered to Nat

"Hold on, don't just run in there."

I ignored her and went into the room swinging, taking the first two men out flawlessly before turning to the other five. In my rush to get in here, I'd forgotten to take into account who was holding guns and who wasn't. Two men farthest from me were both pointing guns at me and I barely had time to dive and roll out of the way. I scrambled back to my feet and charged at the first one but they both fired off more shots, forcing me to dodge them again. Natasha was on the far side of the room taking out her own bad guy and I was trying to keep the two with guns distracted so they wouldn't shoot her. I managed to get to my knife and throw it into the first guy's arm which made him drop his gun. Right as I turned to face the second man with a gun I heard him fire the shot just as something hard made contact with me. It only took me a second to realize that it was Steve and I was immediately pushing him off of me. He grabbed me and pulled me back to prevent me from running at the man with the gun again but I broke his hold and took off. Unfortunately for me, just the few seconds of contact from Steve were enough to engulf me in his scent again and send my head spinning. I was too distracted and I waited for too long to dodge the next bullet and it made contact with my shoulder. Ignoring the searing pain in my shoulder I jumped at him, flipping so my legs were around his neck before twisting him to the ground and snapping his neck in the process. My feet hit the ground as I grabbed my shoulder in pain. "Ana," Steve yelled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pressed his hand to my shoulder

"I'm fine, Steve. Let me finish what we came here to do."

"No, I'm taking you back to the jet right now and Nat can finish in here."

"He's right Ana, you should get back to the jet and take care of your shoulder."

"Why are you even in here? We agreed that you'd stay outside." I growled as I tried to pull away from him

"Nat told me you were in trouble, that you charged into the room without making sure it was safe."

"I was fine."

"Clearly not if you got shot."

"It was a graze." I protested as I felt my knees wobble underneath me

"Ana that bullet went clean through your shoulder, it's not a graze. Start walking or I'm carrying you to the jet."

I huffed but I handed Nat the drive and started walking out of the room with Steve hot on my trail. Sam was already on the jet by the time we stepped onto it in complete silence. I sat down at my desk, ignoring the gushing wound on my shoulder. "Is she bleeding?" Sam asked

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