"How are you doing? I hope everything is fine" she said eyeing me.

"Everything is fine sultana, I hope you are pleased with me Sultanım. ," I said not wanting to start a long conversation.

"You make my lion happy, and that's not an easy task. You are indeed special to him," she said in a suspicious tone, sipping on her coffee.

"Well, this is my duty and I'm blessed to be able to serve his majesty," I said with a pleasant smile.

"Getting to where you are is hard, but keeping it is harder.
And with each step you take, the harder it gets. be careful and survive. And that won't happen if you sneak behind my back, Understood?" she said in a threatening manner.

"Sultana, I know my place and I won't step out of the line, my loyalty is for you and his Majesty," I said confidently, hoping she would but my words.

She has been threatening me indirectly since my first night with Murad. She doesn't want anyone apart from her to influence Murad. She doesn't see Murad as a leader or a son. she sees him as a rival, a rival for what? For power and influence, for the throne.

We talked a little and I was starting to get uncomfortable with Kösem Sultan, she ordered me to report her with Murad's doing.

"Murad has been distant from me nowadays, I want you to inform me with every little thing that Murad is doing, and try to keep him busy," she said, not caring who hears her.

"Valide, Murad is not a little kid anymore for you to take advantage of, he can make his own decisions and we have to respect that." defended Gevherhan sultan upset with her mother's behavior.

She was right, Valide sultan wanted me to spy and squander his time for her own sake. And I will never do that, I will never let her take advantage of Murad and his power, I will never use our love like that.

"Gevherhan, know your place, who are you to talk to me like that, go away and don't come to visit me unless I ask you to." declared Kösen sultan angrily.

"You too Meleksima, you can leave" both Gevherhan and I stood up and bow to her and left.

Gevherhan Sultan we're walking towards the other side of the main garden, where her son Selim was playing with şehzade Ahmed with their wooden swords.

"Meleksima, don't listen to Valide if Murad believes that you work for valide, he won't trust you anymore, and I can see that you love him and wish him well. Gevherhan Sultan said as we watched the şehzades play.

"Don't worry Sultana, I may seem naive, but I know that kösem sultan is planning to use me to manipulate Murad, but won't let that happen," I said smiling.

She simply smiled back with a slight nod.

"Look who we have here, Gevherhan and Meleksima," said Atike sultan cheerfully approaching us with her maids behind her.

"Look who we have here, Gevherhan and Meleksima," said Atike sultan cheerfully approaching us with her maids behind her

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Meleksima Sultan | Megnifcant Century:KösemWhere stories live. Discover now