I Can Do Better.

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A/N: I'm continuing my last part (Brand New P2)

WARNING: Might be Explicit !!

I got out of the store and run to the car with watery eyes, I almost got hit by a blue Benz.

'YAW, OPEN YOUR EYES AND WATCH YOUR FUCKIN' STEPS LIL BITCH !!' The driver yelled. 'SHUT THEFUCK UP YOU UGLY MOTHERFUCKER !!' I yelled back, and went to Cutie's car and got in(since I had the keys). After a while Cutie came and sat in the drivers seat. 'You good ?' She asked after a few minutes of silence.

Me: She shouldn't.. She just..(GCO)

'I know I know' she said.

The necklace was a solid golden that had 'Sisters' carved on it. My dad gave it to Denise and me when we were born, since then we never took them off. It's the only thing that gives me hope about finding my sister one day.

We drove on our way to the hotel again. 'You know Rachel.. It's been like 10 years' she began. 'She could be anywhere, she could be de.. (GCO) '

'DON'T ! Don't even go there Yasmine' I snapped at her. 'I know she's not dead and I know I will find her no matter what.

Cutie: I got you, I have your back.

Me: Thankss.


Cutie: Pwff.. We need to do someting funn tonight !

'Omg your so right ! Imma call Dontae( My Boyfriend ) and text Gerren( Our friend we used to hang out with) and you do the rest and get dressed ight ? I said

Cutie: Don't worry hunn, I got this. See you in few hours !

She got to her own suit next to mine room 214. I hopped on my bed and fished my iPhone outta my pocked and dialed Dontae's number. I waited until he would pick up, and he did.

'Aye, baby'

'Hey Dontae' I said exited.

'Aww Chell where you at ? I missed ya !'

'I missed you too ! I'm at the hotel, you comming ?

'Yea sure I'm on my way, love you.

'Owkay, love you too'

We both hung up and I changed in the clothes Cutie picked out for me when we were in NewYorker. After I while somebody knocked on the door and I answered it. 'Hey ma you look good.' Dontae said.

Me: ThankYouu, come in.

Dontae came in and immidiatly started kissing me for like five minutes then he broke off the kiss.

Dontae: Sorry babe, imma hit the bathroom real quick.

Me: Sure.

I sat on the bed wanted to text Cutie to ask if she's ready but then I heard a beeping sound coming out of the pocket of Dontae's jacked. I walked over there and took his phone. 'Seems like he got a message' I mumbled in myself. I opened the text message and it raid : 'Last night was fun, the sex was great ! You still have to pay me tho ;) xxJessica.

Me: What the hell ..

Dontae: Imm back !


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