Intro to kyro

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Hi, I'm kyro. Welcome to my story, currently I'm on the streets. The reason behind this is I was born with 2 souls inside my mind who could take control at any time. My parents thought I was a monster and threw me out on the streets at the age of 5. I was left to survive on my own. During this time I got to know both of the people in my head.  First of all there's Person 1, I named him Kage Boutoku. He is the embodiment of chaos and destruction. He feels no remorse for human life at all. However Person 2, who i named Akio Isamu, is the embodiment of heroism, kindness, bravery and care. He wants to make the world a peaceful place for people to live in, he fears nothing and cares for everyone. He believes even the worst person can change. My mind is usually fused with his when I have a face covering on, this is how I keep Kage locked away.

Anyway back to my backstory, I soon found a stray dog and after while he became my best and only friend. I named him Akio, based after the other person in my head. However he was quite old and died a year later. Now that's all of it, for now. The main story begins now

Kyro's Downfall (An MHA Oc Insert) (NO LONGER CANON)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora