Part 1: Meeting Zircon

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One day while teleporting to one of their daily missions, a blue blob/figure shot through the stream almost knocking Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven outside the stream. Once they arrived at the mission site, there was nothing wrong for miles. The only thing abnormal was a gem in a blue bubble. Garnet being the group leader grabbed the bubble and sent it back to the temple. They were all mystified, not knowing what was going on.
Mission after mission the same thing happened time after time. The team started to get fed up with what was happening, so they made a plan, they would all go on different missions and hope to catch a glimpse of the unknown " thing ". They all jumped on the warp pad and teleported to where their mission site was, one by one. Except for Steven who stayed home to keep watch.

Hours past and finally Steven heard the warp pad activate. First Garnet appeared, then Pearl, but Amethyst hadn't yet returned. Garnet, Pearl, and Steven all jumped on the warp and teleported to where Amethyst's mission was at. Once they arrived they spotted Amethyst fighting off a tall blue gem. Garnet and Pearl immediately jumped in to help her out. The three successfully conquered the gem.

Once they arrived at the temple they began to question the mysterious gem. The gem said "Don't you remember me, it's Zircon. All the gems at the same time remembered him. "Howdy Zircon, What's up Zirc, It's been forever Zircon, etc... Steven nondiscreetly ask Pearl who he was. Pearl explained that Zircon was an old friend from long ago that helped fight in the gem war 5000 years ago.

After the gems started to spend time with Zircon, Steven started to get jealous. Day after day passed by and the gems and Zircon were spending time in the temple, going on missions together, etc... So one day Steven just decided to get on Lion and ride off to Connie's house. (Don't worry, he told his dad).

Within minutes of being at his friend's house, there was a knock at the door. It was Zircon and the gems looking for Steven. Once they got back to the temple the gems all apologized.

All of a sudden there was a loud bang. They all ran outside, it was one of Peridot's machines.

To be continued.

Steven and the Gems meet ZirconWhere stories live. Discover now