Chapter 1 - First encounter

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"It vanished," She said unsure also was fascinated at the sight. She pushed herself up and stood up. She noted to herself that the demon can teleport.

The demon spoke again and said something and laugh. "What do you want?"

Gandalf I got to see Gandalf! She quickly remembered her familiar, her cat, Gandalf. She didn't want anything to happen to her familiar. She went to her hospital build.

Her wet clothes are dripping down to the floorboards. Lucy, her cleric, was usually in this place but she was nowhere to be seen.

Gandalf unsit and she told her cat to follow her to somewhere much safer.

"Come here kitty, kitty," Said the demon in his distorted voice.

"Okay, don't touch the cat," Gem said, a bit surprised by the sudden voice speaking.

The ginger saw the barrels, she went near one of it and opened the barrel. It was full potions that she brewed her herself. She was searching for a good potion to bring and protect herself.

She took out some potion of healing, it could be useful if the demon ever hurt her. She was about to leave when she opened the door the demon was there, standing still.

Taken a back, she quickly backed away in fear and he disappeared again. Gem thought for a moment on who can help her but everyone is too busy today, she didn't want to cause any disruption.

She walked outside thinking, her thoughts were interrupted when the demon said, "Run!" That word made her even scared. Was the demon now trying to kill her?

She flew using her elytra up in the sky, unsure where to go. The cold wind was around as she flew, she shivered at the coldness.  Should have change clothes before I went off, She thought.

She was high up in the sky but not too high to reach the clouds. It was a little dark, fortunately the rain stopped. She looked below her, the terrains she passed by looks so small. She was just going on a random direction, where her guts told her to go.

She could just go to her other triplet, fWhip or Pearl, her ally. But instead she went to Sausage's empire the one that she thought that summoned the demon. Could she trust him?

She could feel her clothes drying up as the wind pass her. She was starting to see her triplet's buildings on his empire. She was starting to hesitate whether to go there or not.

She started going down and landed on the ground safely. She's already at Mythland, she could just turn back any time she wants to. She stop and realized she had brought a demon to her triplet's empire which isn't good. She hoped that the demon didn't follow her as much as she thinks that it's him, she still doesn't want her sibling to get hurt.

"Sausage!" She called out, walking around his empire, trying to find him.

While walking she found a tavern made by Sausage. Gem thought that the tavern could be safe and a thought appeared in her mind. Is Sausage doing this? Is Sausage summoning it? Questions filled her head and she thought again Sausage wouldn't do that, Sausage don't summon things. She hoped that the last thought is true.

She was walking and finally she found Sausage.

"Sausage!" Gem said, she felt relief to know that he's safe though the feeling of uneasiness is present in her.

"Hey Gem, are you okay?" Sausage greeted and ask her with a worried look on his face. Gem realized that she must have look scared but that doesn't matter.

"No, I'm not okay," She still doesn't feel safe, even with her sibling. Well, she already think he's the reason why the demon is here.

"Sorry, Oh, I was just hanging out at the blood circle,"

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 23, 2022 ⏰

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