Voyage of the Damned

Start from the beginning

"Titanic, um, who thought of the name?" he asked, also agreeing that somebody jinxed the "boat" like Lily suggested and Ivy confirmed.

"Information. It was chosen as the most famous vessel of the planet Earth."

"Did they tell you why it was famous?" he asked, completely serious.

"Information. All designations are chosen by Mister Max Capricorn, president of Max, Max, Max—," the angel twitches as it starts to malfunction, a steward running over, "We'll handle this," he says, motioning more people over, "Software problem, that's all. Leave it with us, sir. Merry Christmas," the steward gives him a smile, the Doctor returning the smile, and hearing him add, "That's another one down. What's going on with these things?"

The cocky man from before bumps into a waitress, causing her to drop her tray, "For Tov's sake, look where you're going. This jacket's a genuine Earth antique," the man spat.

"I'm sorry, sir," the woman apologized.

"You'll be sorry when it comes out of your wages, sweetheart. Staffed by idiots. No wonder Max Capricorn's going down the drain," the man continued. The Doctor looks over to where his wife had been standing, raising an eyebrow as she watched the situation, 'Someone's getting cuuuuuursed,' he sung in his head.

The Doctor sped over to help the woman clean up the glass, "Careful. There we go," he says, making sure she didn't cut herself on glass.

"Thank you, sir. I can manage," she told him.

"I never said you couldn't. I'm the Doctor by the way," he introduced himself.

"Astrid, sir. Astrid Peth," she introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you, Astrid Peth. Merry Christmas," he said.

"Merry Christmas, sir."

"Just Doctor, not sir," he corrects her.

"You enjoying the cruise?"

"Yeah, well, my wife and I couldn't find anybody to watch the kids, and my niece is too heavily pregnant to be watching over them, so we had to bring 'em," he said. He still couldn't believe Susan was pregnant, or that he had to call her his niece.

"Daddy, try it," Elysium came over with a pastry she had been eating, it looked like a treacle tart but slightly different. He took a bite of the pastry, "Oh, that's good, did you just run away from your mother though?" he asked. Elysium's eyes widened, apparently a new Potter trait starting with James was the deer caught in headlights look, which Elysium currently wore. "Oops," she said.

"Mmhmm," came Ivy's voice, "Hi, I'm Ivy, that's Elysium, Eilam, and Teddy," she introduced herself.

"Astrid," she replied and shook her hand.

"What about you?" the Doctor asked Astrid, "Long way from home, Planet Sto."

Astrid shrugged, "Doesn't feel that different. I spent three years working at the spaceport diner, travelled all the way here and I'm still waiting on tables," she said, a bit annoyed about that fact.

"No shore leave?" Ivy asked.

Astrid shook her head, "We're not allowed. They can't afford the insurance. I just wanted to try it, just once. I used to watch the ships heading out to the stars and I always dreamt of—it sounds daft," she sighed, believing they wouldn't know what she was talking about.

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