chapter 29: see you again

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Two Years Later

"I can't believe we're actually leaving here," I sigh, taping the last box.

"It's about time, we've been here for four years, and you've been here for about six," Jake says, hugging me from behind.

"I know, but I'll miss it here. I am excited to see everyone again when we go back though," I smile and turn around in his arms to return the hug.

"We can always come back, we do own the flat. But with both of us being promoted again, it was bound to happen. Plus, it'll be good for Mav and Jules to be close to our families. I know Louis, Henry, and Cassidy were super helpful, but everyone else doesn't really know them," he rubs my arms and I nod. He's right, he always is.

"I'm going to miss public transportation though, it's so much better here. Although, you're right, it will be so nice to be close to our families. I still feel like an ass that I had to attend Nick's academy graduation over FaceTime," I pull back and start moving the boxes.

"The kids were only a few months old, don't blame yourself," Jake adds, helping me to move the boxes to the living room, and I sigh.

"I know, I know. At least everything is ready to go. We have everything we need and everything is packed. Cassidy has the car keys and the spare flat key," the door opens and I see Henry, Maverick, and Juliet come in.

"How was your morning with Uncle Henry?" I ask, crouching down to hug them.

"We went to the park!" Juliet says with the biggest smile on her face and runs to Jake. He lifts her up and spins her around while Maverick stays in my arms.

"Uncle Henry showed us planes," Maverick says and I smile up at my best friend.

"Did he take you on base again?"

"Uncle Henry did, he wanted to let the guys say bye to their little friends," Henry says and I let go of Maverick to stand up.

"You better come visit," I playfully threaten and hug him tightly.

"Don't worry, I will. I don't think I could ever stay away from these rascals for too long," Henry hugs me back and I invite him into the kitchen. "I fear that I've been spoiled for the last six years, getting to be with you so much. We were only apart for a few months. I promise I'll try to visit once a year."

"I'm sure we'll also try to make it over at least one a year for a holiday. But you're always welcome to visit. I really appreciate everything you did for me after the twins were born, especially babysitting them so Jake and I could have date nights. You've been such a huge blessing in my life these past six years," I hold his hand from across the counter and he squeezes it.

"I would do it all again. I don't mean to sound selfish, but I am so fucking happy you didn't accept the proposal and he never reached out after, thus breaking your heart. If he didn't, I don't think we would've had the past six years together and I wouldn't have the most amazing niece and nephew," Henry says, tearing up a bit. "My mum is going to miss you too, she told me last night to tell you that. Spending Easter in Bath won't be the same without you."

"It really won't. I loved going there with your family every year. As much as I love London, Bath is probably my favorite city here. I'm also going to miss getting to travel to other countries so easily," I smile and grab us some water. "Your mum was always so kind to me, I'll definitely miss her."

"I think she almost thought of you as a daughter. Since you couldn't go home for the longest time, she encouraged me to bring you home with me to make you feel at home."

I feel a tap on my leg and look down to see Maverick. I smile and pick him up, holding him against my hip. "Hi bubba! What's up?"

"Uncle Henry go away?"

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