chapter 1: what did he do this time?

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Part One

"Kazansky!" I hear yelled across the room, causing me to look up from the game of pool I was shooting. Walking, no, strutting over was the biggest pain in my ass, Lt. Jake "Hangman" Seresin. I roll my eyes and return my focus to hitting the 8 ball into the corner pocket I called. Right as I'm about to hit the ball, someone whispers in my ear "What? Are you just going to ignore me? Looking good, by the way." The ball hits the corner of the pocket and stops just before going in.

I turn around, fuming, "What the fuck?! I had that shot! You couldn't have waited until after I won this fucking game? Now I owe Rooster a round." I turn around just as Rooster, or Bradley as I've known him for years, hits the 8 ball in. Let's make one thing clear, I am not, and never will be, friends with Hangman. He puts his hands in the air, backing up enough where I won't be able to hit him with my cue. But I do think about attacking him with it anyway, he just frustrates me so much.

Bradley comes up behind me and pats my shoulder, "Don't worry about buying me a round, kid. You would've won."

"No, a deal is a deal. I'll be back, and since when have you called me kid?" I say and go to the bar. "Another beer for Bradshaw and a water for me, on my tab please," I ask Penny and she smiles, grabbing a glass.

"You know, we can overboard Seresin for disrespecting you," Penny mentions, placing the beer down before grabbing another glass for my water. I look over at the sign hanging on the bar. It's tempting, really, really tempting, but I shouldn't.

"It's fine, Penny, but thanks for the offer. I'll let you know when he actually deserves it." I say and feel a hand on my shoulder. "I swear to god, Hangman if that is you, you're paying my tab tonight," I say, turning around. Much to my surprise, it isn't Hangman. "Uncle Pete!"

"Hey, Delilah, you're not going to make me pay your tab are you?" Uncle Pete asks and I shake my head, hugging him.

"No, but what are you doing here? I didn't think I would see you again until Christmas. What did you do this time? Wait- Bradley is here, if he sees you, he might make a scene."

"I'm waiting for my next orders and figured I'd visit your father, and well, he asked me to come. Enough about me, how's TOPGUN? Are you first in your class like your old man?"

"No, unfortunately that's Hangman right now. But if I was in first people would probably say it's because I'm Iceman's daughter." I sigh and look back at the group who are racking a new game. "Anyway, I have to go back before Rooster think's I'm flaking. I'm sure I'll see you later Uncle Pete, or should I call you Maverick now that you're here?"

Uncle Pete gives me a grin and says, "Call me whatever you want, but I'll get your tab. Consider it a gift for showing those men how it's done." I give him a quick hug and pick up Rooster's beer and my water.

"Thanks, Penny! And thanks Mav," I say before walking back over to the group. I turn back half way and see Uncle Pete paying my tab, and flirting with Penny. They're so cute, but Uncle Pete is always being shipped out somewhere. He does something the Navy doesn't like, dad makes a call, and he's back on a mission.

"There she is, took you long enough, Swift." Rooster says, taking the bottle from me.

"Sorry, Penny was a bit busy and I was closing my tab." I say. I stand back by the jukebox and listen to the music, watch the boys play, and sip on my water. A few minutes later my phone buzzes with a text from my dad, asking to talk to me. This could either be good or bad, I'm hoping for good. I'm glad Uncle Pete payed my tab, and I haven't had anything to drink tonight besides a soda. Slipping out unnoticed, I hop on the back of my motorcycle and ride home. While being here, I'm obviously staying in the barracks, but as Commander of the Pacific Fleet, my dad also has a home here.

Permission To Fly: A Hangman FanfictionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon