Chapter 46 ~ "What Are You Doing Here?"

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Maybe getting into a new relationship was a mistake. Walker's been gone for almost a week now, I've been at home, bored out of my mind and every second I'm here, I worry.

I worry about what I've done to my roommate situation, I worry about the fact that my other friends don't know yet. I worry about the fact that this is so new and we're so far apart.

I miss him every single day that we're not together, the fact that I do scares me. I don't remember ever feeling this way before and I don't want to come across as needy and clingy. But I want to talk to him all the time, every time we hang up I feel sad.

How did I get myself into this? I started dating my roommate, who I swore hated my guts just a month and a bit ago. Now we were......together?

How does that make sense?

I guess nothing about us really does, it kind of never has. But it works and it feels special what the two of us have.

"Hey honey." Mom says, knocking quietly on my bedroom door. I'm laying in the middle of my bed, surrounded by a massacre of Lindor truffle wrappers. She leans against the door, crossing her arms and I sigh.


"You've been spending a lot of time in here over the past few days." She remarks, eyeing my messy room. "And talking a lot on the phone."

I feel my cheeks flush, I talked to Walker most nights, a lot of it was just us sitting on FaceTime. The only good part about the roommate, to enemy, to friend, to boyfriend transition, was that we were extremely comfortable with each other now.

"I guess so?" I shrug, sitting up.

"Anyone in particular?" She asks with a knowing mom smile.

I haven't talked to her about this, mostly because I don't want to get my hopes up. I can't let myself down like that and get all giddy about a messy long-distance relationship. Even if he did call me his girlfriend, I know what almost two months of distance will do to us.

"Just.....a friend."

"Oh a friend, huh?" She teases, raising her eyebrows and I feel my face get hot all over again. "You seem to blush a lot when we bring up this 'friend'." She sighs, walking over to my bed and sweeping the wrappers back so she can sit with me. "What's going on, honey? You can tell me."

"Nothing's going on, I just......" I shake my head. "You and I both know I'm talking to a boy, can we leave it at that?"

"I just wanted to check in." She sighs, putting her hand on my shoulder. "I know if you're interested in dating or....whatever it is you kids do these days," She chuckles, shaking her head. "That he must be incredible, you have such good instincts and I know whoever this guy is......he's great."

"Yeah." I nod and she nods.

"'s not Dane, is it?"

"No, of course not." I tell her, shaking my head. "Ew mom-"

"I'm sorry, I was worried." She sighs, rubbing her hand over my back quickly. "Well....that must mean whoever this is that you really like them."

"I do." I nod, leaning my head on her shoulder. "It's Walker, mom." I whisper, feeling my eyes sting.

"It's Walker?" She asks, looking amazed. "Oh Annie, he's fabulous. The two of you make such an incredible pair." I nod, too afraid that if I talk I'll cry. "What's wrong? Why the tears?"

"Because I really like him." I whisper, wiping away a tear from under my eye.

"Is he treating you well?"

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