Ep 16: Coming up with a plan

Start from the beginning

Jim: Claire? _____? What happened? *Jim was confused because of the expression that they had on their face*

Douxie: What did you saw? *ask worried*

Claire: We are going to have a battle, they will acquire their plan and they will acquire Nari, the future doesn't look that great

Douxie: ____ what's wrong you don't look great? *he says as he walks closer to _____*

_____: I saw Tenko he is working for them and Morgana she is back

Jim: Wait, what? That's impossible didnt Claire defeat her?

_____: She did, but Skrael and Bellroc brought her back for their plan to conquer the world, but I think they might get rid of her as soon as they accomplish their plan.

Blinky: *put a book on the table* This is Merlin's grimoire which has enlightened me to the destructive forces of the Arcane Order.

Toby: Oh boy whenever he opens a book, it's pretty bad

_____: Yeah, I agree *she agrees as she nods* So, what did you find about it?

Blinky: The Arcane order they are seeking to reawaken the Titans imbued by the Arcane primordial energies. Three titans were their handmaidens to the birth of the universe, they have been in stasis for millennia awaiting a reckoning of epic proportions. A reckoning this world, or any other, has never seen. When they combine in the center of the universe the Earth will be reborn, back to the age of first creation

Claire and Jim: Reborn?

Toby: Dont tell me they are going to destroy the Earth *Toby says annoyed as he hit his head with the palm of his hand*

____: No much worse

Blinky: Yes, ____ is right is quite the opposite. They will erase all life, burn oceans, flood the cities.

Toby: *looks confused for some minutes the angry as he put his arm away waving his han angrily* That's destroying it

Archi: No, it's a new start. Life will begin again

Nari: Life we start new

Claire: Where is the center of the Universe?

____: Where do you think? Let me give you a hint you guys are very familiar with it

Eli: Wait, wait Arcadia? Our hometown? Is the center of the world?

___'s dad appear out of nowhere as he walks closer and nods.

Matthew: Of the universe to be exactly

Toby: That kind of explain everything if you think about it

Jim: Nothing is getting reborn as long as we have Nari, they need her to complete the ritual, am I correct?

____: Yes, you're correct, but how long can we keep her away from them?

Claire: How can we avoid or vision Jim?

Jim: We need to come with a different plan a more complicated and we gotta make sure it works.

____: Jim is not that easy as you think to change the future, even though is not set we gotta be careful is not certain we can change something and show me we are gonna win, but it can change the destiny quickly as well if we are not careful.

Blinky: This time, I agree with _____. It is risky to try change the future. But Jim also has a point _____ I think we should try to change or destiny a little.

_____: Okay, but we gotta be careful with our plan

Douxie: I think I have a perfect plan. Claire and _____ do you have a spell to know if they are coming for Nari when and how.

_____: Yes, it is similar to the spell we use to see the future *she says looking at Claire*

Claire: Okay

Douxie: Okay try and do it then tell me what is their plan, we are going to surprise them

Toby: Oh cool they are not gonna know what hit them *says Toby excited as everyone becomes slightly happy and with hope*



















Sorry I know I have disappear for a long time, but I am back and to finish the story I broke my own promise of not being like those author that takes 100 of years to upload, or get new chapters.

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