Chapter 2: Chances Are For Taking

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      After some much needed retail therapy with my lovely ladies, the drive back home was filled with loud smoothie slurping, the occasional burp, and plenty of song changing between Scarlett and I. We finally settled on The Civil Wars. Everyone nodded along to the tune and the atmosphere grew calm as the mood of C'est La Mort settled over us.  I started to sing along, but when I felt the silences of their breathing deepen, I decided against it. Hannah shook her head at me, realizing my hesitation.

I got tired of the scrutiny and hurriedly switched to the radio station. At just that instant, a contest is being announced. The voice from the speaker excitedly continues: "The five girls who can answer five questions each about the boys will be entered for a chance to win a private concert and meeting. Along with signed merchandise and dinner that night. All free of charge and chauffeured by Syco. I tighten my grip on the wheel, and yell for Hannah to call the number.

"I'm on it!" She squeals, while tapping away. 

"What comes after the six?" She shouts out in anguish.

"Uh, seven?" Scarlett calls back to her.

"No, Scar, on the phone number!"

"668-9364," I call back the number I had already memorized.  

Hannah and Alyssa each let out sighs of relief and Hannah presses send.

"Hello," she calls excitedly, and puts the phone on speaker.

"Yes, Hi, my name is Les and I'm guessing you're calling about the 'Bring Me 1D' contest," he says more than asks. 

We all nod before Alyssa calls out, "Yes!"

"Great, great. Okay here's how it works, I want each of you to tell me your names and tell me which boy you're speaking for. After that, I will ask you five questions about the boy you chose. Now, all of you have to answer all five of the questions right. One mistake and I'm sorry, but you won't be getting to meet One Direction. Any questions before we begin?"

"There have to be five of us, right?" I ask.

"Yes, one of you for each boy." Les replies instantly.

We all blanch before my face cracks into a grin and I pull out my phone.

"Hold on one second, Les, I've got to get our fifth girl on the line!" 

He consents to wait and we all wait in agony and the phone rings once, twice, three times before: "Hello?"

"Sierra!" I yell.

"Hey, what's up?" she asks, her voice becoming more comfortable with recognition. 

"Harry coming to America, or something?" she questions with a laugh.

"You have no idea how close you are," I tell her with absolute conviction. 

"But, hey listen, I need you to do something for me, okay?"

She tells me to go on. "Okay, I'm on the phone with Les trying to win a contest to meet the boys and we need a fifth girl for Zayn. I instantly thought of you, okay. All you have to do is answer five questions about him correctly, alright?"

She sounds stressed, "Wait, but what if I miss one? Then none of us will get to go!"

"That's just a chance we'll have to take!" Alyssa peeps in. 

Sierra sighs through the phone and murmurs her consent.

"Les, we're ready," I call out to him.

"If you've got Louis, speak up first," Les says after a brief pause.

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