The Faren Family

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Kathryn Faren slipped off her dark blue high waisted jeans smoothly, eager to get into her best friend's (Lily Johnson), hot tube. Kathryn's pale skin turned cherry red with each inch of her skin she submerged into the hot water. Kathryn was finally able to relax.

"Is your dad, working tonight, again?" Lilies words were like a distant cherp. Lily climbed into the pool of steaming water after Kathryn, moving her to the other side of the tub.

Kathryn pulled her brown frizzy hair into messy bun, with her black headband. "Yeah. Why?" She frowned at her friend curiously. Kathryn wasn't close to either of her parents, they were too strict. Kathryn felt as if she was a free bird, they just weren't anything like her.

Lily's perky happy self, was now serious, "I want to pick his brain about the medical field. My mom suggested I ask him." Kathryn envied Lily's relationship with her mother. Her mother wasn't strict, they bonded very well. When Kathryn looked at herself to her own mother she saw to different people. Her mother loved books, she loved going out. Her parents were introverts and being an only child it made them only focus on her.

The night went on and the girls bonded over about Lily's college goals and Kat's hopes. Kathryn was still in the process of finding herself. She wasn't so straight forward like her dear friend Lily. There were many things she wanted to do. These things her mother and father never approved of. Kathryn wanted to spend her life helping others. Such as her father has but she didn't want to be a doctor, if she could spend the rest of her life volunteering she would.

It was about ten o'clock when Kathryn slammed opened the door and bursted our into the quite night air with a "I'm home!"

Fast paced foot steps flew across the second floor and down the stairs, "Do you know how late it is?" Kathryn looked up at her blond headed mother. Her mother had deep brown eyes and a pale skin she was on the petite side. Her brown nightgown seemed to be two sizes to small letting the lace hang off her body with ease. "You know your curfew is at nine o'clock." Kathryn shrugged, "you were out with Willie again, weren't you?"

Kathryn looked up at her mother, and qutily walked past her. To Kathryns tiny ears all she hear her mother do was blab. As her mother stalked her to her room. Kathryn shut the door on her mother's face and locked it behind her. I just can't wait to get out of here.

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