Chapter 975

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Henry took two steps back in fright, shouting to the others,

"Rush to kill him together! I'll give you ten million!"

Under the heavy reward, there must be a brave man.

Although the others were stunned by Marven's performance just now,

They immediately rushed toward him when they heard that Henry offered a bounty of 10 million yuan.

They felt that even if Marven was very strong,

He would definitely not be able to beat more than ten people at once.

So, as long as they work together, they can get rich overnight!

At this time, the man in front of him jumped and kicked straight into Marven's face!

According to his assumption, this kick can definitely kick Marven to the ground.

As long as the remaining brothers can rush up in time and kick,

And don't give Marven a chance to fight back, it is enough to beat him to half death.

He saw that Marven didn't retreat or hide, but suddenly stretched out his hand,

And his hands suddenly grabbed his leg and he flew over!

Immediately afterward, he felt that his entire body was instantly stagnant in the air,

And the inertia of rushing over and jumping up seemed to disappear,

Without a trace in an instant, which went against common sense!

Just when he was deadlocked in mid-air, and the whole person didn't know why,

Marven looked at him and sneered: "Where's the dog now!"

After that, Marven swung his hands hard, and the man directly swung out by Marven as a half-moon machete!

The rest of the people just wanted to quickly knock Marven down and kick him,

So they rushed forward and were about to attack, but they thought that the brother,

Who flew out just now would suddenly turn himself into Marven's hands' weapon.

He saw that the man was thrown out by Marven in a semi-circle,

And directly turned the gang of people who rushed up to their backs.

The huge force smashed them into multiple fractures,

And there was absolutely no chance for them to stand up and resist.

And the one who was thrown out is even more appalling.

The price of one person throwing like a piece is that he has multiple fractures on his body in just an instant.

On the side that was thrown out, his ribs were almost completely broken!

At this time, whether it was Jemima behind Marven or Henry opposite Marven,

They were all dumbfounded as if everything in front of them were hallucinations,

And they couldn't believe their eyes at all.

Henry was stunned.

He never dreamed that more than a dozen people would fight one,

Not only did they have no chance of winning, but they persisted for a total of two rounds.

Marven looked at Henry at this time, waved at him, and said, "Come on, Master Zhong, let's talk."

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