Chapter 957

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Nicolas also burst into old tears and choked,

"I caused this ...... It's me who harmed him ......"

"How can I explain to his widow and orphans ......"

"How can I explain to my old brother who has been gone for many years ......"

Saying so the whole spirit of the person, as if at this moment lost most of the half.

Marven is more or less sorry for the death of Duncan.

This person has been investigating the Cataclysmic Front but after all,

It was also his duty, and he has been a police officer for many years,

His reputation was really good, should not have met such a fate.

It's just that people die like lights.

Things have come to this point, it is now beyond Marven's ability,

Even if he wanted to save Duncan, there is no way.

It can only be said that his fate has this disaster that can not be avoided.

But at this moment, Marven vaguely felt that Duncan's body,

There seems to be some kind of fluctuation.

So, he immediately released more aura probe,

Surprised to find that Duncan's brain, at this time is not completely dead.

Perhaps the two or three minutes of time hadn't completely deprived Duncan's brain of oxygen,

Or perhaps the desire to live in Duncan's consciousness was too strong,

Allowing his brain to persist until now.

In short, his brain still retains the last ray of life.

However, his body had been almost completely destroyed,

And Marven did not have the ability to bring him back to life.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Marven's mind.

At the beginning, Nanako's father, Ito Yohiko,

After the amputation of both his legs, Marven also felt sorry for him.

However, regret is regret, Marven also has no way to make the broken limbs re-grow.

Broken limbs can not regrow, which completely destroyed other organs,

Naturally, it is also impossible to regenerate.


In the Nine Profound Heavenly Secrets, there was a clearly recorded elixir that could make organs grow again.

The level of this elixir was even higher than the Cultivation Pill.

It could make all of one's body organs, except for the brain, grow back.

As long as this elixir could be refined,

It would allow Ito Yohiko's amputated legs and feet to grow back and fully recover as before.

So, with this medicine, it is natural that Duncan's body can also be reborn.

However, Duncan's body is severely damaged, and brain death is estimated to be a matter of minutes.

Within a few minutes, it was impossible for Marven to refine that kind of elixir no matter what.

Not to mention his current strength is not enough, even if the strength is enough,

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