Insects VI

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After 5 tedious weeks of spending sleepless nights in Tonys office, you, Steve and Tony finally finished all of the Sokovian paperwork and transfer files. Thanks to Pepper you had gotten through the work twice as fast and you may or may not have asked Wanda to help with some of the files. You and Steve had just sent of the last of the paperwork when Tony walked in, a bottle of champagne in his hand and 4 wine glasses in the other.

"Welp I think this deserves a celebration, no?" Tony says as he sets down the glasses and searches for a corkscrew.

You quickly get up from you position on the floor and walk over to behind Tonys desk. You push him aside while he was trying to find a corkscrew and open a drawer to his left, immediately finding his golden corkscrew. You hand it to him and sit back in his chair, he looks at you through his sunglasses and arches his brow.

" 1, Don't go through my desk and 2, get out of my chair, that's expensive leather you know." He says as he pops open the champagne and starts to pour the glasses. He hands the first one to Pepper, who smiles and takes it. Tony then hands you a glass, which you eagerly take. You had never gotten to taste the champagne that Tony kept in the cellar. You turn the chair around to face the window as Tony pours Steve a glass, who insists on not drinking much.

You take in the sights of the beautiful city beneath you. Being on one of the top floors of the tower you had a breathtakingly good view of New York, even though the city was still recovering from the attack three years prior. Three years. You remember it so clearly. The way the sky opened and those aliens came through. The way people all around you were screaming and running for their lives. Your brother had pulled you into a nearby store to avoid the danger. Apparently that was the wrong idea.

"Hey Y/N are you  drinking with us or are you gonna keep staring out of the window like batman?" Tony calls out to you. You smile to yourself and turn around, joining into the celebration.

*Time skip*

You arrive at the compound at 5 in the morning, your mind still foggy from the lack of sleep that you've been getting in fact you nearly crashed your car twice before even getting out of your parking lot. Finally you manage to park your car and you make your way to the front entrance of the compound you put your hand up to the scanner. You watch as a light blue ray goes up and down on the screen, scanning your hand.

"Happy to see you again Y/N." FRIDAY's light airy voice says to you, making your eye lids grow heavier. You grumble in respond and push the doors open. Once you reach your office you collapse on your chair and kick off your shoes. You were deffinately gonna strangle Tony for bringing you in so early.

You were about to doze off when Tony came barging through your door, causing you to jump. "C'mon kid, we got work to do." He says as he hands you a small folder, you let out a groan and sink deeper into your seat. "Seriously? We just finished the Sokovian paperwork two days and now you want me to do some more filing?"

Tony chuckles at your whining and lean on your desk. "Don't worry, this is just a simple personal folder that needs filing." He says while taking a apple of your desk, not knowing it's fake. As he walks out he tries to take a bite, you cringe as you hear the crunching of the polyester under his teeth and stiffle a giggle as he spits out the fake apple.

"That's fake ya know." You call out to Tony who walks of, cursing under his breath. You sigh and open the file, your eyes flit over a name and then picture.

"Scott Lang."

You whisper the name under your breath. He looked to be in his mid- thirties and he had just recently been released from a three-year prison sentence and had already gotten fired from a job. Damn guess Baskins Robins always finds out. You start up your computer and open your online files, you check the code left on the folder in to your computer and roll your chair over to your large filing cabinets near your windows. You open your drawer and carefully place Scott's file in between the other files.

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