The Newbie II

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"Y/N! Hey Y/N" You heard someone call out your name so you turned around to see your favorite billionare running towards you with a smile on his face, he came up to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "Hey Mr Stark, you looked so cool out there blasting bots and stuff, did you see Ultron? Did you kill him? And who were the boy and girl fighting with you?" You probably sounded like a fan girl bombarding him with questions but he didn't mind. "Well yes, yes and those were the Maximoff twins, Wanda and Pietro I think" He said as he put on his sun glasses. Wanda. You wondered of she was that girl in the corner with the red eyes.

"Stark!" You both turn around and see Captain America walking towards you, he was out of his uniform and was now wearing a grey shirt and trousers, pretty plain for the Captain America but you didn't mind, he was hot for a 99 year old. Tony sighed and took his arm of you shoulder. "Cap. Do what do I owe the pleasure?" Tony said, boredom laced in his words, Steve eyes went from Tony too you then back to Tony. "Well as you know the Sokovians will need a new place to call home, we'll need to relocate a lot of people"

"Well that is what tends to happen when a whole city fall from the sky."

"Tony common, where are we putting all of these people?"

"Mhm, Alaska?"

"Tony can't you be serious for one minute?"

"Serious isn't really my style, Capsicle."

The two had totally forgotten that you were there, you just watched as they went at each other back and forth. After a solid 5 minutes you had to interupt, their bickering was giving you a migrane. "How about we ask director Fury? He always has an answer." You stated hoping it would calm down the fire that had started between the two men. Steve looked at you smiled while Tony let out a dramatic sigh and started walking away. "Fine as Mr Fuzzy, not like anyone ever pays me any attention." You let out a small giggle as you watch Steve follow Tony to were-ever Fury was.

*Le mini timeskip*

The helicoptor landed as you finally reached the new Avengers headquarters, you weren't an Avenger but Tony was basically your dad so you hung out with most of them on a daily basis, especially Rhodes and Natasha. You open the doors and instantly got that feeling that someone's eyes were on you, Steve and Natasha had their backs to you and you could only see some of the new additions. Natasha turned around and smiled as she walked towards you handing you a touchscreen device with all of the recrutes faces on them, your eyes scan the screen and stop at the picture of Wanda.

Damn, she was really pretty, wait did you really just think that? Your eyes flit over all of Wanda's personal info, where she was born, her age blah blah blah. You look back at the picture of Wanda and take in every detail about her.. "So did you check her out long enough?" Natasha's voice brings you back to reality, you turn to see her smirking at you as you realise that you've been staring at the picture of Wanda. You let out a chuckle of embarrasment and listen as Steve talks them through the training process, your eyes occasionally glance over to Wanda only to find her staring directly at you, making you cheeks go bright red.

After the training was over Steve introduces you and Natasha to Sam, he was a funny guy and his bird wings were sick, making you wonder how he got ahold of them. It was nice to see Steve get along with other people, you knew about the whole Bucky so the thought of Steve having a friend who wasn't 100 made you smile. Natasha pulled you over to a corner and whispered something into your ear. "Did you see the new recruit? She had her eyes on you the whole time!" She said in a hushed tone as if she was sharing sacred information. You giggle and brush her off heading to your room to wash the sweat of you.

As you walk towards your room you pass the kitchen where you see Wanda sitting on a counter- her expression was puzzled like she was concentrating on something, while eating a box of galaxy cookies. You hide behind the wall near the couch and contiplate wether you should go in and introduce yourself or just walk past her as if you didn't see her. "You can come in if you want." Wanda spoke in a thick Sokovian accent that you found really hot, I mean really hot. You mentally face palm yourself and gingerely walked in, Wanda watching your every move. You lean on the counter next to her and smile at her, thankfully she smiles back and offers you a cookie which you happily took.

*Wanda's POV*

After Captain America had finished training them Wanda had left the area early after she saw you and that Black Widow girl talking. After an eternity later Wanda finally found the compounds kitchen, thank God. She opened a cupboard and her eyes landed on a box of mouth-watering galaxy cookies. She sat on the counter while eating, contimplating about talking to you or not, you seemed nice and she was lonley. Wanda lifted her head up, someone was coming close, her senses flared up but then relaxed as she heard your thoughts so she lowered her head again and hoped that you would come in, chewing her bottom lip as she heard your conflicted thoughts.

"You can come in if you want." She tried to hide the nervousness in her voice so that you wouldn't notice which you thankfully didn't you but did but you seemed a bit wary of her, she tried to hide the smile that was creeping on her lips, did you really think her accent was hot? She looked at you as you leaned on the counter next to her and smiled, butterfly's started in her stomach as she smiled back. This was probably the first time she smiled after her brothers death.

*Normal POV*

You and Wanda sit in silence for a bit, both to invested in your cookies to make eye contact with each other. It wasn't a awkward silence more like a nice silence, a comfortable one. Finally Wanda looks at you and speaks "How long have you been here for?" Ugh! Her voice alone gave you butterflies and she only spoke to you two times, how were you going to survive living with her? "Oh well umm, I started working as an intern for Stark industries for 4 years but then after the invasion of New York Director Fury took me in so I've been working here for about, 3 years I think." You leave out the part about why Director Fury took you in and what really happened in NY. Wanda nods and looks away from you, staring straight ahead.

*Mini timeskip*

You walked out of the bathroom and immedialtly flopped on your bed, letting out a loud groan and taking of your shoes with your feet. You pull the blanket over your head and let the heat of your bed radiate over your body, bringing heat to your aching muscles. You sigh in content and start to dose of, Wanda never leaving you thoughts.

HEEEEEYYYYYY! Oop sry if the writing is bad I'm litteraly writing this at 4am so... I really need to sleep. Vote and comment bye besties;)

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