Chapter 22

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TW swearing
Please let me know if I missed any


I forgot how many people liked heros.

There were so many people in the interview waiting room when the hour was up.

This will take a while.

Phil and Techno agreed to help, which was amazing, but I think I have gotten the most assholes so far.

I called in the next person, and a man walked in who looked like he could be my father.

"Sir, could I ask you to step to the room left of this?" I asked politely.

He nodded, and walked to the other room. Sparrow would deal with him.

I would have to make an age limit on workers, I'm only 21, Techno is 24, and Phil is 30. We have had people who are double Phil's age come in.

I heard the attendant call another name, and I steeled myself for another person.

A blond boy walked in, and I gestured for him to take a seat. I'm relieved to see someone younger than me, but alarmed at how young.

"Hello! What's your name?" I asked.

"Thomas, but Tommy is fine!" He said with a smile.

He had a strong Logstedshire accent.

"Ok! And it says you are 17, right?"

He nodded with a smile.

"Okay, why do you want this job?" I asked.

He gave me a look that said what do you think? and I began laughing.

"Oh I don't know Jubilee Line, I like heros. I live in Logstedshire!" He exclaimed sarcastically.

I continued laughing, and held up a piece of paper, "It's a required interview question!"

Tommy peered at the paper before laughing again, "That's a blank piece of paper!"

After that the interview continued as normal and on his way out I remarked that he was the youngest interview by far.

He smiled and said the receptionist thought the same, before thanking me and leaving.

Next person called in was named Jared.

I sighed, this would be a long morning.

○ ○ ○

"Hello." I said, stepping into the room Astro was held in.

He still hasn't woken up, and it worries me.

I sat in the corner of the room, just like I did in any of my free time.

I wanted to be there when Astro woke up.

I looked over him, he looked like he was more hybrid than human, and I still didn't know why he had the turquoise spots.

His skin was severely burned, which proves he is at least part Enderian.

I worried that he would never wake up.

I've tried charmspeak, but it doesn't work on him.

I sighed, taking out the burn cream I brought with me.

"I'm just going to put some of this on you'd arms, it's to help you." I said, talking to the air.

While I was working, I saw a bee.

Wondering how it got here, I lead it up, and out a window.

I really hope Astro wakes up.


Mmm, new chapter!

Looking forward to the next chapter.

Value the things you can do. Work on the things you can't do yet.

Have a great day/night my friends!

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