"Are we done talking about my spending habits or do I have to postpone my interview" I say to Aaron

"Yea" he says

"Can you grab my Gucci strappy heels from that side of the closet" I say walking to the island and taking off my robe to start getting dressed.

"These?" he asks holding up pair of shoes

"No but hey should on the right of those" I say

"These?" he says holding up the right pair of shoes.

Taking my hair out of the bun its in I start brushing it and put it in a ponytail.

"Can you help with the bracelets" I ask grabbing the box and the screwdriver they come with and walk over to him.

"Yea, I'm sorry for yelling" he says and kisses my forehead.

"Its ok Im also sorry for yelling"

"Its ok my love. So how do I put these on" he says grabbing the box from me.

"So you take this part and take it out so it can open. Then put it on the you put that part back in and screw it shut"

I say pointing to the different parts of the bracelet.

He takes the bracelet and put both of them on and then he put the screwdriver back in the box and the boxes on the counter.

"You look beautiful by the way" he says grabbing my shoes and putting them on for me.

"And you look handsome in your golfer fit. It suits you more then the Armani suits" I say pulling him in for kiss

Its a short but passionate kiss one that makes your day in only a few seconds

Then jack runs in

"Hey buddy" says scooping jack up in a bear hug.

"Good morning dad ,good morning Flo" he says

"Good morning lil man are you ready for our day together. Your dad has some errands to run so its gonna be us, Kayla and Mia today" I say.

"Yea I'm super excited Mia said we can play spies all day so we have to be super quiet and follow around Jason" he says.

"That sounds super fun." Aaron says putting jack down.

"Okay jack its time for us to go and meet the camera crew tell your dad bye" I say

"Bye daddy" he says

"Bye , love you" he says to jack

"Jack how about you go find Kayla" I say to him and he runs off.

Pulling Aaron into another kiss.

He pulls away first and rests his forehead on mine.

"Have a good interview, I love you"he says

"I love you too"

"Call me if you need anything"

"Aaron we'll be fine ill see you when you get home"

I say as I walk out of the closet to find Jack and Kayla.

Finding them in the kitchen Kayla is making jack breakfast.

"Morning kay" I say grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and taking a seat.

Aaron's pov

Yesterday when jack was getting picked up

"Dad" jack says

"Yes, jack"

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