Meeting the husband

Start from the beginning

I nod at her, well I look pretty so hopefully he won't shoot me.

"Do you know what you will be wearing?" She asks me.

I shrug she purses her lips.

"What?" I ask, frowning.

She shakes her head looking away.

"What?" I ask again a little harsher.

"It's don't seem very bothered"

"Why would i be?"

"Well he's going to be your husband for like..the rest of your life and you don't even care what he thinks of you?"

"Why should I care I don't want to marry him. This was his choice so he can deal with the consequences, of which are I fucking hate his ass" I reply bitterly.

She smiles a bit then. "You two are alike"

"Don't ever say that again" I huff.

She laughs quietly and pulls out a dress.

"What about this?"

"I'm not wearing a floor length dress to meet him, we're going on a walk like...through the gardens."

"Okay okay" she says looking further back.

"Okay you can wear this, with these shoes"

"Okay you can wear this, with these shoes"

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"It's so fancy"

"It's a slightly fancier summer dress and your wearing it"

"I don't see a point in arguing anymore" I reply so I take the dress and change.

I step out and she and Aleah clap enthusiastically.

I do like the way I look.

So there's that.

I walk down the stairs and freeze when I see him standing there.

He's early.

He's got black messy hair and beautiful hazel eyes. Or maybe their green I'm too far away to know the precise radius of his eyes.

He's in a black t shirt that clings to his muscles and he wears grey camo trousers.

A silver chain hangs from his neck.

I stand halfway down the stairs paralysed.

He glances up at me and stops talking to my mother.

He stares at me silently and I cannot guess the expression on his face.

"Elle come down" my father calls. He smiles but I can tell it's a nervous smile.

I continue walking down until I'm at the bottom.

Oh he's quite tall.

Or maybe he's not.

Well I'm 5'3 and he's a lot taller than me but he could be 5'9 and he'd be taller than me.

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