Steven Universe Fusion Au thing

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Requested By @Idioticfatass

Sorry I took so long 😅 I just have been lacking motivation recently! Ill try to write more, maybe Tuesdays and Thursdays because those are the days I dont volunteer at this camp thing. Enjoy!

"Come on Ran, Please dance?" Tommy begged. Ranboo shook his head. "Fine then," Tommy turned on music. "Ill just dance by myself." Tommy starts dancing, kicking up sand. He does a simple dance, then starts acting well, silly you could say. Tommy almost trips and falls over, causing him to laugh. Ranboo joins in and now the two are completely cracking up. Tommy calms down and starts dancing again. Ranboo, still laughing, stands up and starts dancing too. Tommy pauses and is completely surprised to see Ranboo dancing, considering how opposed he seemed to the idea earlier. Tommy and Ranboo keep dancing, slowly getting closer to each other. The two run and dance in the waves, the moon shining above them. Tommy starts doing the... Chicken dance? This causes Ranboo to crack up. Not paying attention, he trips and falls. Tommy catches him. Ranboo looks up at Tommy, and Tommy looks down at Ranboo. A flash of bright light, and the two become one. The two, now fused, lets call them Tanboo. Ranboo looks down at their hands. They have 4 arms, and a long tail, a trait from Ranboo. They touch the top of their head and feel two horns, another trait from Ranboo. They look down at their clothing, Jeans, Converse, a red and white baseball t-shirt, and a green bandana, Tommy's clothing. They rush to the water, stumbling and falling down. They are able to crawl over to the water to see their reflection. One eye is a darker red, the other a bright blue. Their hair is split in half, one half black, the other blonde. They stumble away from the water, still clumsy, as they haven't quite figured out how to move yet. They are back where the speaker is, still playing music. They need to separate. They focus, another flash of light and Tanboo has been separated, leaving Tommy and Ranboo staring at each other in awe, jaws dropped practically to the floor. A moment of silence passes. "What just happened, THAT WAS SO COOL!" Tommy shouts. Ranboo sits there, still in shock. Tommy stands up and walks over to Ranboo, reaching out a hand. Ranboo cautiously accepts it, getting pulled up by Tommy. Tommy hugs Ranboo, and Ranboo hugs back. "Ran, do you wanna try again?" Tommy asks. "I mean sure, as much as it was confusing, it was really fun!" The two start dancing again, this time in sync. It takes a bit, but eventually there is another flash of light, and Tanboo is back, this time moving quite smoothly, but now dancing. Tanboo dances for a while. Eventually separating. Ranboo and Tommy flop down onto the sand, laying next to each other. Tommy reaches out his hand, and Ranboo takes it. "That was amazing" 

500 words

That was a bit short, but I think it turned out alright! I wasn't quite sure how to write the fusion, but I think it was alright. @Idioticfatass I hope this was sorta what you were looking for 😅

Make sure to request any oneshot ideas that you have!

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