Snow Day

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Tommy opened his eyes and looks out his window. Snow is falling and the ground is covered in a layer of white. Tommy jumps out of bed and runs to Ranboo's room. He shakes Ranboo awake. "Huh Tommy? What are you doing in here?" Ranboo asks in a groggy voice. "Ranboo its snowing! Its snowing!" Tommy squeals like an excited child. Ranboo jolts up in bed. "Its snowing? Why didn't you tell me sooner?!?" Ranboo jumps out of bed and grabs Tommy's hand, dragging him downstairs and out the door. "Ranboo, I'm not sure if you realized, but we are in our pajamas." "I dont wanna change though, it'll stop snowing by then." Ranboo whines. Tommy sighs and plants a small kiss on the tip of Ranboo's nose. "Lets go get changed now, yeah?" Ranboo nods and follows Tommy inside. A few minutes later both boys exit their rooms, fully dressed except Tommy, who is having trouble with his scarf. "Hey Toms, need some help?" Ranboo asks. "I'm a big man, but some help would be nice." Ranboo laughs and helps Tommy put on his scarf. "Thanks Boo, lets go play now!" The two go outside, and thankfully its still snowing. The boys have snowball fights, make snow angels, and make a snow man. After hours the two get tired. "Tommy, do you wanna go inside now? We've been out here for so long." Tommy looks at his watch, 1:37. "Yeah, lets go inside." Its cold, so the two grab eachother's hands and walk inside. Once inside the two take off boots, jackets, and scarves and sit down on the couch. "I just had a great idea." "What is it?" Ranboo asks. "Hot cocoa, blankets, and a movie." Tommy says. "That sounds amazing!" Ranboo gets up to make hot cocoa, while Tommy gathers blankets. A few minutes later, Ranboo brings out two mugs of hot chocolate. He hands a mug to Tommy and sits down. Tommy takes a sip, "This is really good!" "Thanks!" The two start a movie, drinking their hot cocoa. They do ish it and scoot closer, sharing a blanket. Tommy leans his head on Ranboo's shoulder. Both boys fall asleep soon after, tired from their snow day.

Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed this oneshot! As you most likely know, techno has passed away. I thought that to try and cope, I could make mcyt (mainly alliumduo) oneshots. I will be taking requests! Nothing nsfw though. This oneshot was short, simple, and sweet. See you soon! Also I will be trying to add my art to each chapter!

Word count: 371 words

Mcyt (Mainly Tomboo/alliumduo) oneshots! Requests open!Where stories live. Discover now