.:Chapter 8 - In Ruins:.

Start from the beginning

Hippo groaned again. They pointed at Don and using his right hand, brought his thumb to his forehead and dragged it away from their face, making 2 small arches. It took a second before the realization hit.

“Ohhh, Abuelo Mariano” Don and Aran said in unison. Don brought a hand to his hip, “I forgot he was in town this week”

“Well he probably didn’t want to miss the matches!” Aran said, “he’s the perfect bloke to ask! I know the craic had plenty a’ stories to share about the boy last time ‘e was ‘ere”

“Si, I suppose, but he’s probably not gonna want to be sad a few days before the match, that’s not fair on him!”

“Ya don’t know that”

“Well you don’t know if he’s gonna want to chat!”

“I….Shaddup” Aran said.

Hippo growled and facepalmed, gesturing to Don’s pocket. Don cocked an eyebrow before his mind clicked. He pulled out his phone, pointing to it to double check that's what Hippo meant. After a confirming nod, Don flicked through the contacts on his phone and selected one under the name: Abuelo.

Once it was selected, he clicked a button, and brought the phone to his ear. It rang for a few seconds before a voice on the other end spoke. It was raspy, and deep, and heavily accented. 

"Hola! quien es este?"

"¡Hola abuelo! ¿cómo estás? ¿Estás bien?" Don asked, smiling a bit at the sound of his grandfather's voice. 

"¡Donato!  hola mi chico, si soy maravilloso, como estas?"

"Si, si, estoy bien, queria saber si estabas libre para charlar"

"Por supuesto que lo soy, pero ¿cómo es que?  ¿Paso algo?  ¿Esa rata te está molestando de nuevo?"

Don gave a sideways glance to Aran, who was only watching the call in confusion. The spaniard groaned under his breath, "Ay no, abuelo.  Solo... quería ponerme al día, eso es todo."

The voice on the other end paused in worry, "Mi nieto... ¿estás bien?"

"¿Eh?  ¡Ah, sí!  sí, por supuesto, yo sólo... tenía muchas ganas de hablar contigo... ha pasado un tiempo, ¿no?"

"Pues si, claro pero...ya sabes si hay algo mas de lo que te gustaria hablar-"

"No!...uh no…" Don grit his teeth, turning to his friends. Both Hippo and Aran gave him looks of reassurance. Well in Aran's case it was a look of 'Do it or I'll bite your knob'. Regardless, Don sighed and put on his best front as he spoke to his abuelo, "No, abuelo.  Yo solo... realmente quiero volver a verte…por favor?" He lied.

The voice sighed. Don probably should've known to sound less desperate to talk. Abuelo Mariano was someone who practically looked at him like he was the most precious thing in the world. Last thing he wanted was to send him into a panic. It was silent for a few seconds before Mariano spoke again, "Muy bien, muchacho, te veré más tarde hoy.  ¿Quizás podamos encontrarnos en el parque?"

Don sighed in relief and gave a soft smile. "OK Abuelo, hasta luego!"

"Hasta luego, mi niño"

Don clicked the button to hang up the phone, flicking his phone shut. He let out an exasperated sigh and brought his hands to his face, dragging them down in annoyance.

Aran leaned over in curiosity "So….is it happening?"

"Cállate and get your bag" Don growled. Aran chuckled as he went to go to his locker. Just then, out of the corner of his eye, he saw Mac appearing from the changing rooms, holding a file in his hands. The boy was hesitantly making his way over to Doc with the file. 

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