Chapter 3

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~In the palace throne room~ 

Y/n and River hide behind a pillar watching the scene in front of them. Triton is looking at a flower. Triton: "Let's see, now... Oh, who could the lucky merman be?" He notices Sebastion. Triton: "Come in, Sebastion." Sebastian: (Sotto) "I mustn't overreact. I must remain calm. (Five octaves higher than normal) "Yes - (loco) yes, Your Majesty." Triton: "Now, Sebastian, I'm concerned about Ariel. Have you noticed she's been acting peculiar lately?" Sebastian: "Peculiar?" Triton: "You know, moaning about, daydreaming, singing to herself. . . . You haven't noticed, hmm?" Sebastian: "Oh - well, I -" Triton: "Sebastian..." Sebastian: "Hmmm?" Triton: "I know you've been keeping something from me..." Sebastian: "Keeping... something?" Triton: "About Ariel?" Sebastian: "Ariel...?" Triton: "In love?" Sebastian: "I tried to stop her, sir. She wouldn't listen. I told her to stay away from humans - they are bad, they are trouble, they -" River: *Whispering* "He just dug his own grave." Y/n quietly giggles. Triton: "Humans? WHAT ABOUT HUMANS?" Sebastian: "Humans? Ho ho ho ho... Who said anything about humans?" Y/n: "Father. The humans are sailing a bit closer than normal towards the kingdom." Triton: "Sebastian. Why didn't you tell me?" River: "Your Majesty." Triton: "River. A pleasure to see you again. Are you sure you wouldn't like to work here?" Y/n: "As tempting as the offer is, I am very happy with my job." Triton: "Sebastian." Y/n: "Father, you mustn't blame Sebastian he has a hard enough time watching Ariel since she's always sneaking off, and not listening to his warnings. Things like this are bound to go unnoticed when babysitting." Triton: "I suppose you're right." River: "We have bigger problems at hand with humans getting too close, which should be discussed over Ariel's obsession over a guy. Whom she hasn't even had a conversation with." Y/n: "Speaking of which, Sebastian where is Ariel?" Sebastian: "Probably still plucking flower petals."

~With Ariel~

Ariel: "Flounder, why can't you just tell me what this is all about?" Flounder: "You'll see. It's a surprise." Ariel: (Sees statue of Eric.) "Oh, Flounder- Flounder you're the best! it looks just like him. It even has his eyes. "Why, Eric, run away with you? This is all so - so sudden. . . . (Turns around and sees Triton.) Daddy!..." River: "Woah, what is this place?" Y/n: "Not the time, River." Triton: "I consider myself a reasonable merman. I set certain rules, and I expect those rules to be obeyed." Ariel notices Y/n and River looking around. Ariel: "But Daddy!-" Triton: Is it true you rescued a human from drowning?" Ariel: "Daddy, I had to-" Triton: "Contact between the human world and the mer-world is strictly forbidden. Ariel, you know that! Everyone knows that!" Ariel: "He would have died-" Triton: "One less human to worry about!" Ariel: "You don't even know him." Y/n: "Neither do you." River: "Did you even have a conversation with the guy before you 'fell in love' with him?" Ariel: "No, but that doesn't matter!" Triton: "Know him? I don't have to know him. They're all the same. Spineless, savage, harpooning, fish-eaters, incapable of any feeling-" Ariel: "Daddy, I love him!" Triton: "No... Have you lost your senses completely? He's a human, you're a mermaid!" River: "How would that work-" Y/n grabs a book and smacks her with it. Y/n: "Not the time!" River: "Ow!" Triton looks over to see Y/n smacking River with a book. Ariel: "I don't care." Triton: "So help me Ariel, I am going to get through to you. And if this is the only way, so be it." He begins to blast the artifacts with his trident. Ariel: "Daddy!...No...No, please- Daddy, stop!... Daddy, Nooo!!..." He blasts the statue. Ariel begins crying and he leaves, ashamed. Sebastion: "Ariel, I..." Ariel: (Still crying.) "Just go away." He leaves and Flotsam and Jetsam appear. Flotsam: "Poor child." Jetsam: "Poor, sweet child." Flotsam: "She has a very serious problem." Jetsam: "If only there were something we could do." Flotsam: "But there is something." Ariel: "Who - who are you?" Y/n: "Are they eels?" River: "I don't care they look cool!" Flotsam: "Thanks." Jetsam: "Don't be scared." Flotsam: "We represent someone who can help you." Jetsam: "Someone who could make all your dreams come true." Flotsam and Jetsam: "Just imagine -" Jetsam: "You and your prince -" Flotsam and Jetsam: "Together, forever. . . ." Ariel: "I don't understand." Jetsam: "Ursula has great powers." Ariel: "The sea witch? Why, that's - I couldn't possibly - no! Get out of here! Leave me alone!" Y/n: "That's rude." Y/n: "Please use the term sorceress." Flotsam: "Suit yourself." Jetsam: "It was only a suggestion." Jetsam flicks the statue's broken face towards Ariel. Ariel: [Looking at the face] "Wait." Flotsam and Jetsam: "Yeeeeeeeeeess?"

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