eleven ✿ late night talking

Start from the beginning

"Stop, you're actually so annoying!" I huffed out, words semi muffled by my hands.

I lowered my hands away from my face to glare at him, his laughs slowly dying down. His phone dinged loudly on his chest, the sound completely ending his laughter as he quickly lifted it off his chest to check the notification. His eyes brightened at whatever was on the screen, a soft smile quick to form on his lips as a laugh rumbled through his chest. My eyebrows furrowed at his reaction, confusion fast to settle in.

"Who's that, hmm?" I questioned, a cheeky grin on my face.

"No one." He replied far too quickly, the flush on his cheeks deepening.

"No one? Yeah, I totally believe that." I said. "Tell me who has you giggling and I'll play you what I have so far."

"M'not giggling!" He exclaimed, eyes now filled with contemplation. "You go first!"

"Not happening! Tell who it issss." I dragged out, a laugh following my words.

"Okay okay!" He replied shyly, his gaze now avoiding mine. "It's Kathryn."

My eyes widened at his reply, a shocked smile now on my face. "Wait, Kathryn?! Like your old co-star from "The Society" Kathryn?"

"Yes! Why're you saying it like that?! It's not what you're thinking."

"Don't lie to me! Ugh- Finally! It's been- what? Four years!?" I exclaimed, a smirk on full display.

"What're you on about Rosaleen?!" He grumbled out, very clearly frustrated.

"You've been pining for each-other for four bloody years!" I exclaimed pointing out the obvious. "And now you're all giggly over there. You're never giggly. You're sweet on her!"

He grunted before throwing his head back to hang over the back of the couch. I was in a fit of laughter, hands still dancing over my guitar.

"Yes, I fancy her! We've been on a couple dates." He replied, lifting his head to look at me.

"Stop it! Why didn't you tell me!?" I asked, shocked.

"Because it was still so new! I mean- yes I've known her for a while now but it's different. I really like her." He replied, cheeks flushed.

A happy squeal tumbled from my lips, my hands reaching up to playfully grab at my heart. He rolled his eyes at my reaction, an irritated grunt leaving his lips.

"Your turn! Let me hear whatever it is you're working on."

My giddiness quickly died down, dread over taking my emotions. A sigh left my lips as I rubbed my hands over my face.

Eliott looked at me expectedly. "Go on, I want to hear it!"

"Okay okay, it's not finished! It's honestly not much, I just had all these thoughts and just started writin-" I said, Eliott quick to cut me off.

"Will you just get on with it!"


I sighed, fingers dancing over the guitar strings. I looked up at my twin brother, nerves coursing through my body. He raised his eyebrows as if asking me to go on. My fingers plucked the guitar strings, soft hums leaving my lips before I sang out the first verse of lyrics.

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