Chapter 7 Family Reunion

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"Is it weird that I'm nervous? Should I be nervous? I mean I've talked to Jody on the phone before it's not like I'm just talking to her for the first time but you know you can filter things out on the phone that you can't in person."




"Are you really telling someone with anxiety to breath?"

"Yes because you barely took a breath in that entire rant and I don't want you passing out."

"Good point that's not exactly the best first impression."

"No," Sam said smiling at his niece in the passenger seat of the Impala. Since they had been talking big steps lately and Dani had some time off work thanks to Hal Sam had decided that now would be a good time for Daniella to meet the rest of her family.

"Come on suck it up Taylor...Winchester...Taylor...whatever." Dani chanted to herself.

It made Sam happy to know that in some small way Dani was considering herself a Winchester.

"Maybe you could hyphenate," Sam suggested. "Come on. Jody's going to be thinking we've been kidnapped if we wait here any longer." Sam opened the door and stepped out of the chevy. He reached out opening the back door for the sandy-coloured dog to hop out. Dani came around to stand beside him. "Suck it up, Winchester," Sam said smiling down at her. He bumped her shoulder encouragingly.

The pair hadn't even managed to knock before the door was yanked open and Dani was swallowed up in a huge hug.

"Oh my god, Daniella finally." Dani was being almost swung back and forth in Jody's vice-like hug. "Let me look at you," she said pulling away and squishing Dani's cheeks between her palms "You are so beautiful. Oh, you definitely look like your dad."

"Hi, Jody." She said smiling a little bashfully. "It's nice to finally meet you. You're a good hugger."

"Oh sorry, I've jumped on you without even giving you a minute to breathe."

"It's okay."

Jody stared at her so fondly and in such a motherly way that it made her heart clench. She had barely known this woman for two minutes in the grand scheme of things and already she was accepting her like family.

"Come on in. The girls are just in the living room."

Now Dani's heart squeezed for a different reason. How Dani could be so confident in front of demons, ghosts, monsters and an entire audience of people she didn't know but still be anxious in front of a small group that seemed genuinely set on liking her she didn't know. But she was a good actress, fake it till you make it.

They made their way through to the living room. Where they were greeted with the sight of two girls maybe a little older than Dani slouched on the sofa and a blond-haired woman sitting comfortably in the big armchair. They all looked up when they entered the room. Dani felt every eye in the room on her. Dani heard Sam's voice in her ear.

"I don't think anyone has even noticed I'm here." Sam placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder partnered with a warm smile.

"My goodness, she's so pretty." The blond woman said getting up from the armchair. "Hi, honey I'm Donna." Her Minnesotan accent made Dani smile easing her anxiety a little bit. The woman exuded comfort.

"Uh, nice to meet you. I'm Dani." She said extending her hand.

"Do you mind if I hug you?"

Dani shrugged then nodded. Donna pulled her into a warm hug.

"It's so good to meet cha."

Jody gestured to the dark-haired and blond girls sitting on the couch

"This is Alex and Claire."

Dani waved awkwardly to them.

"Well now that the pleasantries are out of the way. Dani, I hope you like chicken." Jody said.


Sam and Dani stayed for dinner and the rest of the night they spent catching up and getting to know everyone. It had been over a year since Sam had seen Donna so he spent a lot of time talking with her. He watched Dani as she talked with Jody a smile crossing her face every now and then. Sam had learned how to read some of Dani's expressions over the past few months. As nervous as she was around people she loved to watch them and figure them out. He could see her doing it as she listened to Jody talk. Her eyes flicked occasionally to different parts of the older woman's face analysing how it moved and changed with the stories and moods.

"She's a sweet kid," Donna said pulling him from his thoughts.

"Yeah, she is. A bit of an enigma too."

"So like Dean then."

Sam scoffed.

"More than she realises."

The calm was interrupted by the ground starting to shake. At first, Sam thought it was his imagination until he notices the beads on one of the lamps rattling. The shaking intensified. The group ducked for the nearest stable areas. Donna, Jody and the girls ended up under the dining room table. Sam reached for Dani pulling her under the nearest door frame, not the best place but there was no more room anywhere else. Miracle barked loudly skittering across the wood floor to lean against Dani's leg. She gripped his collar in an attempt to stabilize him. The shaking lasted for about a minute then just as quickly as it had come it stopped.

"Is everyone alright?" Jody asked crawling out from the table and helping the others to their feet. Everyone sounded off in approval.

"What the hell was that?" Dani asked no one in particular.

All at once it was like the atmosphere in the room shifted as if someone or something had entered. A feeling that all the hunters in the room were glaringly aware of. They bristled, each of them reaching for the nearest weapons they could find. The group turned to see a man with dark hair and a tanned trenchcoat that ended just below his knees.

"Cas?" Dani's eyes flicked to her uncle and then back to the man.

"Sam." The man said his shoulders slumping a little as if relaxing just a tad.

Dani scanned the room taking in the various facial expressions. Most generally showing shock.

"Castiel is dead, he's in the empty. Who are you?" Sam asked.

"It's me, Sam. Jack, he sent me back down here-That's not important right now I came to you because I need your help I-" Castiel's eyes suddenly locked on Dani. His head tilted slightly like a dog hearing a high-pitched sound. Daniella shrunk a little under his intense stare.

"Uh Cas this is Daniella she's-"

"Unimportant at the moment,"

"Cas that's not-" Sam said in an attempt to defend her from the rude statement.

"There is a soul missing from heaven Sam." Castiel finally blurted out. The room fell quiet. "It's Dean."

AN: Hey guys! They're baaaaack 😁. Hope you enjoyed this part then ext few should be interesting.

Write again soon


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