Chapter 2 The Neighbor's Boy Toy

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Dani stood staring at the smoking pile of ash where Jewel's body used to be. Most of the people had already left. She was glad of it. All those pitying stares were starting to get to her. Dani felt someone's presents next to her. She didn't look up.

"I'm sorry. Jewels was a pain in my ass but she was a good person."

"You knew her?"

"Sort of."

Daniella turned to look up at the man standing next to her. The man had a face that reminded her vaguely of a caricature. He looked to be in his mid to late thirties. His light brown hair was swept back. The man's eyes struck her as familiar, they were the colour of whisky when sunlight shines through it. 

"She sort of knew a lot of people." She said turning back to the pier.

"I suppose so. You have any plans for what you're gonna do now, you know without her?" 

"I haven't really thought about it." 

"I know it's probably too soon to say this but you're gonna be okay. You've got good people around you. It'll suck for a while I'm not saying that it won't. And not to sound like a greeting card but "Time heals all wounds" or at least patches them up anyway so yeah." He said patting her shoulder almost awkwardly.

"What did you say your name was?" Dani asked.

"I didn't." 



Jason and Hal had been keeping an eye on Dani all day and it hadn't gone unnoticed. She understood why she did but she couldn't stand them doing it. They looked at her like she was teetering on a cliff poised to fall over the edge at any moment. The anniversary of Jewels' death was always hard. Dred always settled in her stomach all day before.

"Do you want me to stay over tonight?" Jason asked.

"No, I'll be fine Jay really. In fact, I kinda want to be alone."

Jason nodded. She watched as he drifted back over to Hal she could see him muttering something in Hal's ear.

"Guy seriously! Chill out I'm fine. It's a crap thing that I just have to get through. You guys look out for your selves you loved her too it can't be easy for you guys either. Especially you Hal. You knew her since forever. I want to try and enjoy tomorrow and remember my mom and I can't d that if you guys are going to be watching over my shoulder the whole time."

The two of them looked a little taken aback.

"Sorry Kid. We don't mean to smother you. We just want to be here for you." Hal said.

"I know, and I appreciate it, but I can handle it. You still owe me that dance tomorrow though." She smiled.

"Wouldn't miss it." Hal looked hesitant for a second.

"What?" Dani asked.

"Are you inviting Sam this year? He is family after all." He looked almost nervous to be asking.

"I haven't so far. It might be too late now. Last I heard he was heading out on a hunt. It might be too late for him to get here."

"It's worth a try isn't it?"

"I guess."

"If you want him to come that is."

Dani fell silent, thinking. Hal shrugged turning to greet the next customer that walked through the door who turned out to be Dani's next-door neighbour. He was a young man who was a couple of years younger than Dani. He had been the first person to welcome her when she had first moved into her apartment complex. He had brought her a trimming from one of his plants and offered to borrow a cup of sugar if she needed it. They had struck up a friendship not long after. They found that they were kindred spirits of sorts.

"Hi, Dani!" He called cheerfully from the bar. "How's your shift going?"

"Yeah, it's going all right. How was the job interview."

"Eh, I don't think I got it. They wanted me to work full time and I can't with all the school work I have to do."

"Well you didn't really want the job anyway did you?"

"No, not really. They wanted me to reach a quota on sales. I kinda hate that cos I feel like I'd have to persuade people into buying things and that just feels mean."

"Well, that's fair, demanding sales assistance are really annoying."


The two were interrupted by Hal tapping his fingers on the countertop impatient.

"Oh sorry, Hal. I'll have a lime milkshake please." Dylan ordered guiltily.

"Coming right up!" Hal said perking up. Hal liked to tease the young man. He had a fairly nervous disposition, he never liked to cause anyone any trouble whatsoever and was a chronic over-thinker something that Dani herself could relate to.

Dani scanned the diner checking for anyone who may have need of her when she found that the patrons were satisfied she slid onto the bar stool next to him.

"Soooo how's your boy toy?" Dani asked teasingly.

"It was too hard to just be friends after everything that's happened between us."

Dani nodded. She had expected this would probably happen. Dylan had been in an on and off relationship with their building superintendent who lived a few floors up from them. Dani felt her eyes shift to Jason without her realising.

"That's why you don't want to do anything with Jason right? You know you won't be able to go back to just being friends." Dylan flicked her a knowing look she returned it with a scowl. Dani chanced a look at Jason again. Nothing about Jason's body language gave a way that he had heard anything but the smirk on his face said otherwise.

"Say that louder I don't think he heard you." Dani hissed.


"You coming tomorrow?" Dani asked.

"Sorry I can't I have to help my mom with some stuff. I'll see you afterwards though?"

"Yeah sure."

"I really am sorry."

"Dylan it's fine. It's no big deal."


"Nope, it's fine." Dani said "We'll have a movie night after. Now shut up and drink your smoothie." She said humorously as Dylan's smoothie was slid across the counter to him.


Dani sat in her apartment after her shift. Her hands were folded under her chin that she rested on the coffee table. Her phone sat in front of her. She had been staring at it for thirty minutes. It would just be annoying at this point to ask Sam to drive all the way to Connecticut in less than one day. She did want him to be there and Hal was right he was family or at least she wanted him to be and to earn that right she had to give him the chance to earn it. Being there for her was one of those chances. Fine, she'd call him and if he couldn't make it then it was no big deal right? She picked up the phone then and called. After a few rings, she panicked and ended the call. Why was she nervous about this? The phone in her hand started ringing. The caller ID read "Uncle Sam 😄".

"Crap," Dani muttered before answering. "Hey, Sam."

"Hey, Dani you called me. Is everything alright?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine it was uh butt diel."

"Oh right sorry I'll just go th-"

"No Sam nevermind I lied. Um, I wanted to ask you something."

"Okay, what is it? "

"Well every year we do this thing for mom where we close down the diner for the day and throw a sort of party I guess where anyone who wants to come and remember mom can come and we play her favourite songs and just remember her. It's kind of a way of keeping our minds off the sad stuff you know. I just...I was just wondering if you might maybe want to come. I know you didn't know her or anything but I would really like to have you there."

"Uh yeah when is it?"

"Tomorrow it's kind of an all-day thing but in the evening it tends to just be me Hal and Jason and Jason's mom so even if you can just make it to that I don't mind. But there's no pressure if you can't make it I know I left it really late notice."

"No, no I'll be there.

AN: Hey guys. Sooo I'm procrastinating on my assignments so you get a new chapter. Yaaay! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.


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