Steve and Eddie's Annual Found-Family Dinner

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Some years in the future

"Max, I... no... Max, please, I can't understand a word you're saying... just... Max, put Mike on the phone... Max!... Put Mike on the phone!"


"Mike, what the hell is happening?"

"Max's band was asked to play Lollapalooza," Mike translated.

"Holy shit, that's incredible!" Steve shouted as he wiped down the counter, phone held between his ear and his shoulder. "Tell her I'm super proud of her. What time will you be here for dinner?" He asked.

"We'll be there in like ten minutes, max just got the call and she couldn't wait," he sounded like he was giving her a look. The front door closed and Steve's eyes traveled to the entrance of the kitchen.

"It's fucking lollapalooza!" Max shouted in the background. Steve rolled his eyes fondly, waving silently as Eddie walked in.

"Okay, drive safe, we'll see you when you get here," he said. They both shouted their goodbyes before Steve set the phone back on the receiver. "Max's band was asked to play Lollapalooza," he said.

"No fucking way, that's insane," Eddie smiled. "She's gotta be losing her shit right now."

"She is. I couldn't even understand her, Mike had to translate," he chuckled. "How was it?" Eddie came around the island to press a kiss to Steve's cheek.

"9 years sober," Eddie produced his chip with a proud little smile.

"I'm so proud of you," Steve wrapped his arms around Eddie's shoulders and pressed a kiss to his lips.

"I'm glad dinner with the kids landed on today," he said. "And Max is doing Lolla? What a fucking day. You tell me your pregnant and I'll start thinking something mystical is going on."

"You're not that good," Steve chuckled, patting Eddie's arm as he turned to check on the cheesecake in the fridge. Eddie grabbed his waist and pulled him back against him. 

"Oh yeah? You wanna test that theory?" He asked with a teasing bite on Steve's shoulder.

"Hey, hey, no time for that," Steve laughed, wiggling in Eddie's hold.

"There's always time for love, baby," Eddie pouted, releasing Steve with a chuckle. "ETA on the rest of the rugrats?" Eddie asked.

"Dustin is about fifteen minutes out. El picked Will up about an hour ago so they should be here in the next ten minutes. Last I talked to Lucas his plane had just landed, that was maybe two hours ago, so he should-" Steve was cut off by the doorbell, both of their heads turning to the entrance of the kitchen. "Hm, I wonder what's behind door number 1," he smiled, leading the way to the front door. He opened it up to a smiling Lucas, and surprisingly 2-year-old Mia.

"Mia!" Steve cheered, immediately reaching for her.

"Sinclair!" Eddie mimicked, grabbing Lucas around the waist and picking him up. Lucas laughed, waiting until Eddie set him back down on his feet to embrace him in an actual hug.

"You're still pretty strong for an old man," he teased.

"Hey, I am not old yet, Sinclair," Eddie punched his shoulder and Lucas laughed again. Steve was too busy talking Mia's ear off to acknowledge them.

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