Chapter Seventeen: Thrown to the wolves.

Comenzar desde el principio

Begrudgingly turning the key in the doorknob, I quietly sneaked across the hall and dining room letting out a breath of relief as I shut my bedroom door.

"Are you hiding from someone my dear?"

Lueraunt's voice made me practically jump out of my skin.

Slowly turning around to face him, I knew that guilt was written all over my face as blush slowly crept onto my cheeks.

"No, of course not. I just thought everyone may be taking a nap before tonight..."

As much as I tried to sound convincing I knew I answered to quickly, my face and ears growing hotter the more I lied.

Getting off the bed, Lueraunt stood in front of me in a blink of an eye, chuckling as he tucked a stray curl the fell from my plait behind my ear.

"Awh, you blush when you lie- cute!"

Slapping his hand away I merely glared in response, too embarrassed to think of anything to counter with.

But to my great dismay his laughter continued, growing as he saw my reaction.

"Sleeping!" Picking tears from his eyes, he tried to compose himself after several moments when he saw my pissed expression.

"I'm sorry..." he chuckled.

"In all honesty Mills, I did come to apologise- for last night, the way I left. I didn't want you thinking I was angry at you, I know how stressed you are about tonight." 

I gulped loudly at his yet again accurate assumption, perhaps it was true... I hadn't mentioned it to him at all last night, and yet he knew...

Scraping together the courage, I squeezed my eyes shut- trying my hardest to ignore how stupid I was about to sound.

"Are you... I mean... Can you read minds?" I babbled, studying his reaction.

Biting his lip to hold back his obvious amusement, he merely shook his head in response once realising that I actually was serious, eventually erupting in laughter.

"Are you quoting Twilight now?" he mused, taking a step closer to me, almost pressing me up against the door.

"You know, you could be my Bella... I can't promise to be as gentle though..." he whispered into my ear, a dangerous yet very attractive smirk creeping onto his face. 

Rooted to the spot I couldn't breathe, a fathomable response not being an option whatsoever.

Letting out a low chuckle, he was gone again in seconds as he plopped himself onto my bed, throwing what looked like a tennis ball up in the air and catching it again, his features friendly and open, as I walked over to the bed- still trying to compose myself.

"I thought I'd let you breathe- it's detrimental to your health you know." He mused, as I put some of the stuff I grabbed before James could onto the bed. Although his ability to embarrass me was infuriating, he was kind and one of those people that was impossible to stay angry at for too long.

"Like I wanted to say before..."

"I could imagine that tonight could be intimidating- but my sister and I will look after you Mila, so just try and enjoy it- okay?" 

Merely nodding in response I tried my best to look reassured, but didn't want to make any promises. Although I had confidence in the fact that he and Gen both would both stick up for me, I also knew that they also going to be greatly outnumbered.

I had stopped listing the possibilities in my head of what could go wrong as Lucy suddenly burst through the door.

"Master Lueraunt, did you not offer to show Mila something? I have been half an hour now." She snarled, poking Lueraunt in the chest, who's eyes sparkled devilishly with amusement.

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