Shopping #6

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Hi. I've been hiatus (again) I didn't have any ideas or plot I can go but here is another one. This is the best I can do for you guys.



I grumble while waking up trying to open my eyes but all I can see is darkness and it feels like I'm snuggling something fluffy but then I realize I can barely breath! I started to panic and I remove something out of my face and it reveals Pikachu sitting on me.

Y/N: What the heck!? Pikachu, what is that for?

She responds while grinning scratching her head behind.

Pikachu: Pika Pikachu. (I'm just making comfortable while you sleep.)

Y/N: ?...Whatever you trying to say, don't do that again alright? Ok maybe today you can sleep with me in my room.

Her eyes went wide sparkle.

Y/N: On the couch I mean.

She quickly frowned while her cheeks electric a little.

Y/N: Hm. Maybe she doesn't like it... I guess I should buy her a bead for a pokemon, hopefully it ain't expensive...

She still giving me a stink look that kinda wants to bite my neck or something or I guess she probably might I couldn't tell, I started to sweat a little but I have an idea to calm her down.

Y/N: Hey listen, wanna go shopping?

Pikachu: Pika!? (Shopping!?)

Y/N: Hm. You sound excited, just only us. The reason why I'm gonna bring you is because just in case someone might rob us. So that's why nobody or any Pokémon is gonna hurt us. Ok?

Pikachu: Pika Pika, Pika Pika Pikachu! (Don't worry Y/N, I will protect you and only you!)

Y/N: I'll take that as a yes. Alright, I'm gonna hit a shower first and eat some breakfast. Oh, forgot to mention I'm gonna need some Pokémon food... oh well maybe sausage how's that?

She nodded.

Y/N: Ok. I'll met you downstairs once I'm done.

I get out of bed grabbing a towel removing my shirt but stop when I look at Pikachu staring at me.

Y/N: ...get out my room please.

No respond from her. I sigh and I picked her up, opening the door putting her down and closed door lock.

Y/N: Respect some privacy girl... wait a second, how did she even get into my room while I was sleeping?



As me and Pikachu standing on my right shoulder, which made me feel a little uncomfortable but it's normal to many trainers. We finally arrive at the mall, which honestly pretty different since 5 years the last time I went.

 We finally arrive at the mall, which honestly pretty different since 5 years the last time I went

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