Dear Diary, another kid dead...

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I was sitting outside of Ockaco's hospital room. The doctor came out to talk to her family that was talking to me about what happened. The doctor said that she had only a few hours and there was nothing they could do anymore. That they tried their best to save her but she stabbed herself and hit a organ, they did a surgery to replace the organ but her body's immune system started attacking it.

I started crying my eyes out, her parents did too as they ran into her room. I didn't want to walk in and interrupt their last moments with their kid. They were there until the doctor asked them to step out I asked him if I could just say a quick word with her, that I was her best friend that found her first. He said I could only last a minute, I ran in the room.


"Bakugou...?" She mumbled.

"Yea it's me I found you and heard what you were saying from the outside of your dorm room."

"Really? I'm so sorry for taking your diary-"
I interrupted her by giving her a very light hug, so I wouldn't hurt her.

"Don't you dare say sorry to me, just please say that this isn't real."

"I'm sorry but it is."

"N-no please."

"Thank you for being like the brother I've never had Katsuki. I hope we could meet again in the next life but not soon."

"Thank you for being my sister and my best friend Ockaco. Ockaco? Hey Ockaco? No I have to tell you more please!"

Suddenly I heard a code blue alarm start going off, I felt a person dragging my out of the room and slamming the door.

"This is your fault I hope you know that." Her dad said to me while I was still on the ground

"You told us you heard what she was saying and you didn't open that damn door. Are you really a idiot?!" He kicked my gut but no one noticed because of the code blue.

"You could have helped her but you had to take your sweat time to think. YOUR A FUCKING IDIOT YOU WASTE OF LIFE!" He yelled

I know he was heartbroken about his child dying so I knew what he said was responsible. I've always thought the things that he said in my head but hearing someone say it makes me believe it more. He was right, I should have known to fucking break that door down when I heard crying. But now she's dead and it's all my fucking fault, I had to take my damn sweat time to think before realizing that was happening. Why did this shit have to happen? Ockaco was so happy when we were having the sleepover but then she fucking killed herself! Why is everything crashing down?! I can't take U.A anymore  I can't be a hero anymore I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry but I can't.

I remembered the number Izuku gave me to call him. I'm calling him now.  Goodbye U.A.

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