Overboard [Pirate/Siren AU NSFW]

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Ranpo spent a lot of his time watching ships pass by the small island that he lived near. Once and awhile a ship would be brave enough to come close, he noticed that it was only ever a ship with black sails, never one with any colors, those ships stayed far away.

He had once met a siren who said he should always lure the humans into the water as if they didn't get them first the humans would get them. He trusted the siren given he had a good few scars and his pretty red tail had a rip in the bottom fin. He actually thought he was pretty cool looking, it wasnt common to see another siren, let alone one one with hair the color of a sunset.

He was pretty sure he ended up getting caught in a net and pulled onto one of the black sailed ships though.

The ship coming up to the island now though must have had some smart humans, as Ranpo tried to get them to crash into the rocks with his voice but it anchored safely in the night and he had decided to swim under and check it out, bringing one of his favorite human trinkets, an old knife which still had some sharpness to it which he picked off a skeleton a few years ago.

It was a lot bigger than he thought up close and the chain which dropped the anchor was terrifyingly large, he could fit his whole arm through one of the links. He waited and waited under the ship, hoping the lights from the ship would eventually go out and stop reflecting off the water but they didn't. He could hear the humans walking around the top of the ship and he struggled to resist the urge to try and look at one. This ship didn't look like it had nets, he thought they had nets constantly in the water catching fish but there was no large schools of fish around. He snorted, stupid humans.

He swam out from under the boat, staying under the dark water before slowly peaking his head out of the water, looking up at the top of the boat, the lights werent attached to any humans, just sitting on the edge of the boat. He wondered if the boat had humans since he hadn't seen any of them. he swam over to the smaller boat attached to the big boat and grabbed the side of it, pulling himself up and flopping into it. If he dried off enough he'd have legs like the humans did and he could get into the big boat and see the humans up close.

It was definitely a bad idea but he could always dive overboard and back into the safety of the water.

He waited patiently and when his tail disappeared he stumbled to try and stand on the small boat, he grabbed some of the fabric in the small boat and tied it around his waist with a piece of rope he cut off the side of the boat with the small knife he had. He climbed up the side of the boat as quietly as he could and once at the top he looked over the edge and on the deck and yelped.

Some... fluffy creature was looking back at him with small round eyes and huge puffy cheeks. The creature put his tiny human like hands on the side of the deck with Ranpo's.

Suddenly he turned his attention towards a voice.

"Karl! get away from the edge!" The human gasped when he noticed Ranpo staring back at him. He carefully stood up but Ranpo dropped back into the small boat.

Karl hopped up onto the ledge and the human yelped. "Karl do not! get down! please listen to me-"

Karl hopped down into the small boat, landing on Ranpo who yelped in surprise "AH-"

The human rushed to the side of the boat and looked down at Ranpo and his pet. "Please don't hurt him! He's friendly and he's all I have-"

Ranpo looked a bit terrified, wondering why the creature on his chest was rubbing itself against his face and hands. He slowly touched the creatures head and jerked back when it made a weird noise.

The human sighed and took off his hat, holding onto the side of the boat and jumping down into the small boat with the siren. He picked up the creature who crawled onto his shoulder and rubbed his face against the humans.

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