Opinion 7

64 1 7

I know this one is very weird because this would be coming out in August but I don't care. I think it's about time that a Home Free Halloween video comes out. I mean Home Free does the extra video in February for Valentine's day so I don't understand why the heck Home Free has never done an extra video at the end of October to celebrate Halloween (at least that I was made aware of haha 😅)
Now, I do understand that there aren't many songs that have a Halloween vibe to them but there are a few. The first song that comes to my mind is: Everybody (Backstreets Back) by the Backstreet Boys. But that's still the only song that comes to mind. Does that mean that this is the only thing that Home Free could do for Halloween? Nope!
One time, Austin and Amberly were livestreaming on their channel: Beauty and the Bass. At one point, somebody in the live chat asked about any Halloween plans and Amberly just said no. I think someone else and I don't know if it was Amberly or someone else in the chat, brought up the idea of Home Free's lovers (Jenika, Sami, Amberly, Erica and Kelsey) could pretend to be the each of their respective significant other and do something funny with that. Which I personally want to see.
But I don't know, what do you guys think? Do you want the guys to make a special video for Halloween? If so, what do you want them to do?

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