14. Garden gnomes and cranberry vodka

Start from the beginning

"Well there's many options but I would love to illustrate kids books" I answered having the funny impression of being eighteen again having to say what I wanted to do when I grow up .

"That's great" he repeated a second time "You know someone who could write the stories ?"

"Umm not really..." I said " I didn't think about it yet"

"You need someone who knows children" added my mom while typing something on her laptop her glasses reflecting the screenlight .

"Yeah but who ?" I asked unable to see who could know children and be able to write stories about them .

"Well, you'll find someone, I'm sure you will" my dad stated and I wished he was right .

I didn't want to draw for some already famous children's books, I wanted to create these books, to start from scratch and make it my project . Who could be able to write about children ?


I went back to my appartment in the afternoon leaving my parent's with my arms full of chocolate boxes, clean sheets and meals for a week . If one thing was sure it was that I wouldn't die from hunger even in case of an apocalypse .

I was searching for my keys when my phone buzzed in my back pocket .

Justin : Party tonight, at Ayla's, u coming ?

Ayla : Party at my house tonight do you want to come ?

I opened my door struggling not to let my phone fall as my hands were carrying to much food for one person . I put everything on the kitchen's table and typed quickly on my phone before heading to the shower . I had to get prepared for another party but for once I was glad to do so.


I arrived at 8 in front of the house I dropped her off a few days ago . I hadn't notice how cute the garden was . There were flowers everywhere, light garlands running among the plants and the most funny part was probably the garden gnomes welcoming me at the entrance . I went to open the door but didn't have time to press the handle that her face appeared on the other side of the threshold her cheeks redder than usual the same smile lightening her pretty face .

"Helloooo !" she took my hand and drove me inside the house Justin following us close as he seemed to have been waiting right behind her .

"Hello Aimee ! How are you ?" he asked out of breath "You want to drink something ? Eat something ? Drink something ?"

"Wow umm I fine and yes I would love to drink something eat something and you already asked the last thing" I laughed seing him running towards the buffet "What's happening to you guys ?" I chuckled as Ayla turned up the volume of the musique letting Dua Lipa invade the room .

"Nothing I'm just happy to see you!" she replied totally evicting the 'you guys' part of my question which made me smile . For once she was only thinking about her .

"I'm happy too!" I said raising my voice as 'Love again' was raging from the speakers "Where are you parents ?"

"They don't really live here, they have a house in the country they spend most of their time there" she replied still beaming .

"So you're telling me that you're keeping these gnomes out here even though your parents don't live here anymore ?" I laughed at the thought of the weird waxed little men outside the house.

"Hey I love these gnomes" she laughed "they're amazing!"

"Really ?" I chuckled and this was the starting point of her listing all the positive aspects of having garden gnomes . I felt like in a commercial for garden gnomes and this was by far the best commercial I ever saw .

"Okay okay you win they're kinda cute" I gave up seing her smile as she realized she conviced me garden gnomes were not that bad .

"See they're amazing!" she almost shouted making me laugh even more .

"Yeah they're not that bad" I smiled .

"Cool so I'm gonna get you a garden gnome for your birthday" she laughed and suddenly hugged me .

"Oh umm... I-I don't have a garden..." was the only thing I could say I tried to focus on the gnome rather than on her body that was so close to mine .

"It's okay you'll put it in your room"

"What are you gonna put in your room ?" Justin arrived three glasses in his hands making Ayla step away from me .

"Nothing" we replied in one voice chuckling like kids at Justin's confused face .

He handed me a glass of what tasted like vodka and cranberry juice and I was surprised by Ayla taking a glass of what seemed -judging by the color- to be filled with the exact same thing as mine . But what was even more startling was to see her drink the whole thing in one go .

"Is she okay ?" I whispered to Justin who didn't seem to care as much as I did .

"Umm yeah it's been like this for half an hour" he replied like nothing was wrong with Ayla suddenly drinking alcohol when she had been against it for life .

"I can hear you" she said her voice already betraying her state .

"Ayla maybe you should take it easy on vodka" I tried to take her glass but it was already empty .

"Wh- Oh that's my favorite song!" she shouted and started dancing among other people in the middle of her living-room .

"She said that about five songs already" Justin chuckled as Ayla was trying to do a moonwalk and -let's face it- she was miserably failing .

Observing everybody dancing I soon noticed something that lightened my heart a little . He wasn't here . Her shitty boyfriend wasn't here .


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