mornings - j.q

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REQUESTED ON TUMBLR! dad!Joseph honestly owns my heart. probably has a lot of mistakes so sorry but enjoy loves <3

every day without fail your daughter, Penelope, would wake you up. there wasn't a morning from the day she was born where you weren't woken up by her. you were honestly very jealous of Joseph as he'd sleep through her whining and sleep till around 9ish. sleeping till nine to you seemed like a dream.

Joseph didn't know that you were still being woken up by Penelope, you'd tell him you got your sleep but you didn't. you didn't want to disturb his sleep as he'd been working so hard and he had interviews coming up and who wants to be tired in an interview?

it was a Sunday morning. the sun was bright and there was a small breeze coming through the bedroom from the half open bedroom window. Joseph was woken up by loud cries coming from Penelope's room. he checked the time, the clock read 8:09. for him, it was way to early to be up. he turned to look at you, seeing your sleeping body turned towards him. he'd only just noticed the slight bags under your eyes from the lack of sleep you were getting.

he bent down to kiss your forehead before lifting the covers off himself and walked towards Penelope's bedroom. he opened the bedroom door, seeing her sat on her bed, tears rolling down her face. he walked to her crib, seeing her arms go up for him to grab her. he gave her a closed mouth smile before bending down to pick her up. "good morning sweetheart. what are you doing up so early?" he asked, knowing he wouldn't get a reply from her except babbles.

she wrapped her tiny arms around his neck and he kissed her temple, his hand rubbing up and down her back softly. she calmed down quite quickly so he walked back into the bedroom and got back into bed, bringing his knees up so he could let her lean against them. he saw you in the exact same position you were in when he left the bedroom ten minutes prior.

Penelope looked at her dad with adoration. she was definitely a daddy's girl and it was obvious to anyone that she loved him so much. Joseph smiled at his daughter who blushed profusely. he let his hand move to stroke her cheek and then move down to tickle her neck. she giggled loudly, making him smile and shush her. "shh sweetheart. we can't wake mama up" he whispered, the smile never leaving his face.

she smiled and let her hands move to her face, her right fist entering her mouth making Joseph swat it away softly. "no biting yourself, come on, you're one years old you should know this by now" he whispered, looking at her with wide eyes. her smile grew, showing her four baby teeth, two on the top and two on the bottom. Penelope babbled, trying to talk about something Joseph couldn't understand but went along with it anyway. "wow bug did that really happen? no way. that so cool" he said, acting shocked as she babbled along. sometimes you and Joseph would talk about her babbles and wonder what she said. this morning in particular, he wished he knew what she was saying in her little language.

Joseph let his head fall back, accidentally hitting his head harshly on the headboard, making him wince in pain. Penelope stopped babbling and laughed loudly as Joseph's hand went to rub the back of his head. her giggled filled the silent room as she watched Joseph let out a small 'ouch' before looking back at her. "is daddy hurting himself funny to you?" he asked her, his hand moving to tickle her stomach which made her laugh louder.

"is that really funny huh?" he carried on, her laughs only getting louder. he smiled at her. he loved hearing her laughs. you opened your left eye, being woken up to the beautiful sight in front of you. your daughter laughing whilst her daddy tickled her. you loved watching the two of them interact with one another, they were 100% the same person just in two different bodies.

Penelope looked exactly like Joseph, same eyes, same hair, same mouth, same ears, the one thing she inherited from you was your nose. Joseph let his focus move from Penelope to you, seeing you move to sit up. "morning sweetheart, sorry if we woke you" he said, looking at you with a sympathetic smile. you shook your head and smiled back at him. "it's okay, i'm sorry i didn't wake up to get her, you need your sleep for your interview" you said, rubbing your eye softly.

"no way, you need your sleep as well love, i'm glad i woke up first honestly, you wake up with her every morning" he said, watching as you moved to let your head rest on his chest. he kissed your forehead and let a hand brush through your knotted hair. you felt the warmth of his body radiate onto yours as you let your eyes fall closed again, the feeling of his hand running through your hair lulling you back to sleep.

Penelope looked at the two of you and lent forward, her hand accidentally slapping you in the face. "ouch" you said, your eyes opening again. she giggled slightly before babbling to herself. you smiled, knowing she obviously didn't mean it. " 'missed you" Joseph said, kissing your forehead again. "i've been next to you the whole time" you said, smiling at his comment. "yeah i know but you were sleeping, i couldn't speak to you" he said, his hand moving from your hair back to Penelope's mouth where she'd let her fist go back into her mouth, pulling her fist away from it.

"well, i'm awake now" you said, kissing him on the chest before looking back at Penelope. even though you were tired and all you wanted to do was sleep, seeing your daughter and husband made you not want to change a thing. the two of them were your whole world and you were so lucky to have them.

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