And they laughed except for Lisa who just rolled her eyes at Jisoo. "It's none of your business, dude."

"Are you planning on having another set of twins?" Seulgi asked.

"Quit it, Kang. We are not talking about that. You know what, you should've brought your girls so you won't have to make fun of me."

"Right but why didn't you tag Irene along with you?" Seulgi said before letting out a sigh. "You could have picked her up if you wanted but you didn't. So, it's your fault," Lisa replied.

"And I invited Nayeon but she said she was busy. Next time, I guess." It was Jeongyeon. Honestly, it would have been nice if Nayeon was able to come because she was Jennie's friend. They could have been able to catch up with each other. Too bad the woman is kind of a workaholic person.

"Does your girlfriend even take days off?" Chaeyoung asked.

"She does but not often. She only do that on special days. I won't elaborate anymore since it's none of you guys' business," Jeongyeon replied. "Like we care," Jisoo said and rolled her eyes.

"How about you Moonbyul and Solar, do you plan on having kids as well?" Chaeyoung asked randomly. The two looked at her and Moonbyul raised a brow as if asking why the the hell she's asking such questions.

"We haven't talked about that yet." Solar was the one who answer. Moonbyul gestured to Chaeyoung to zip her mouth. The latter mouthed "Okay, okay."

They continued talking about random things while they drink until the topic went back to Lisa and her girlfriend.

"How does it feel to finally be with the girl you have been looking for?" Jeongyeon asked her.

"Amazing, I feel great like I'm in cloud nine. To be honest, it still feels so surreal. Sometimes I wonder if I'm only dreaming. You can't blame me though. It's been so long and I didn't even expect that after all the years that we were apart she'll still feel the same way about me." Although Lisa was a bit tipsy at this moment, everything that came out of her mouth is sincere.

"You're probably meant to be together," Chaeyoung exclaimed.

"Right, I hope you get married soon," Moonbyul added. Well, Lisa hopes so too. However, she understands that Jennie is still in a complicated situation. She have a contract with her company and she's obviously not ready for marriage yet.

They don't know each other too well yet. The time they had years ago wasn't enough for them to get to know each other. They'll do it again this time but no more mystery, no lies, and no secrets.

"I hope so too."

"Hey Chaeyoung, I just realized that you haven't introduced anyone to us yet. Are you dating someone secretly?" Seulgi suddenly asked Chaeyoung while eyeing the girl suspiciously.

The poor little cub coughed and blinked couple of times which made her look more suspicious.

"Yah, I know that face. You're keeping something from us, aren't you?" Jisoo said, squinting her eyes at Chaeyoung.

"No, I am not." Then she looked away.

"I swear she's dating someone," Moonbyul said before shrugging her shoulder.

"Who's the lucky girl??" Lisa asked, joining them on teasing their tiny friend.

"I-fine, I am dating someone right now," Chaeyoung finally admitted. She sighed and said, "I didn't tell you because we aren't official yet. We're just y'know going out on dates and I am still courting her."

"Woah, how did we miss it?"

"You could have told us, you know we could help you," Jisoo said before biting on her friend chicken. Chaeyoung scoffed and said, "No way, I don't trust you guys. Nah just kidding, I wanted to do this on my own. But yeah, I still don't forget how you guys messed up my first ever date. So, please leave this to me. I can handle it, alright?"

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