Chapter 6

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Today, Aelia and Luna are turning a month old and Lisa wants to celebrate it. Actually, she wants to do it every month until they turn one.

So, she invited her friends and a few family members. Also, she told Ruby to come not only because she want to show her gratitude for the latter for basically feeding her babies but also to see what she exactly looks like. To be honest, she had been curious since day one but she can't bring herself to ask for at least a photo because she felt like it would seem demanding. Ah, she would also seem like a creep.

Unfortunately, the woman said she can't attend because she was so busy. Her cousin is coming to bring another supply of milk tho. She would probably just let him bring home some food and the gifts she prepared for Ruby.

She still can't explain how thankful she is to Ruby. Because of that woman, her babies are healthy and so far, they've never been sick. Now, she's fully convinced that breast milk is indeed the best milk for babies.

To be honest, Lisa kind of wanna let her kids meet Ruby someday. She doesn't know but she wants them to know that Ruby played a part in their lives. She would definitely tell them how nice of a person Ruby is.

Imagine, that woman lives 276 kilometers away from them yet she still manages to send them milk for free, although with the help of her cousin. She even sent them gifts a couple of times already. Lisa don't even know how she could pay back the favors anymore.

Jennie never intends to ask for something in return though. She just feels like the heavy feeling inside her heart is slowly decreasing every time she sends those milks and gifts for the twins. Maybe, it's God's way of helping her move on from her loss. It doesn't mean that she's forgetting her little angel tho. The void that her daughter left in her heart would never be filled again unless she comes back to life.

To be honest, she wanted to attend the party initially but when she found out that the twins are actually born the same day as her daughter, she just can't bring herself to go there. She can't celebrate her baby's supposedly the first month with someone else's kids. She just can't.

If only her daughter was still alive, she would probably also hold a celebration every month. She'll probably celebrate even the smallest milestones her baby would accomplish. However, it seems that being a mother isn't for everyone or at least it isn't time for her yet.

Another reason why she can't see them is that she's afraid that her parents might find her because if she goes back to Seoul, then there is a higher chance that she would get caught. They just couldn't seem to let her go and it's annoying the hell out of her.

It's actually her second time to run away already. The first one was when she hid on an island.

Maybe, just maybe, if that guy didn't follow her in Oryukdo, life would have been better now. That's why she hates him, she hates him as much as she hates her parents. They're all sick in the head.

Although she only stayed on the island for less than a month, those days were the most peaceful and happiest days of her life. It was where she met her baby's father and fell in love. She would trade anything just to get back to those days. Honestly, she's still hoping that they'd meet again. However, she doubts it because that person is probably still mad at her.

Besides, she also has no idea where they live. Even if wants to see them, she doesn't know-how. Maybe, they were really meant to be apart. She will never forget about that person though, even until her last breath.

Going back, she still wants to greet and send gifts to the kids. That is why she intentionally scheduled the delivery of the milks today.

Sometimes she actually feels like she's too much. Like, she had been asking Kai to do it and she's not even doing something in return. Besides, she's also staying at his place. She's starting to feel like she's a burden to her cousin.

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