Chapter 9

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Thank you so much
for the gifts. They're
so cute. I know the
twins love them.
I highly appreciate it.

Thank you for the cake
too. You shouldn't have
bothered but I also
appreciate it so much.
Plus, thank you for the
polaroid, they're so
cute. Coincidentally,
Luna and I have the same
mole under the eyebrow.

Wow, that's amazing.
Aelia on the other hand
had the same mole as
mine. It's mind-blowing!

Jennie was stunned after reading what Lisa just said. She has a mole under her eye too just like Aelia and her baby's father? Wow, that's so much of a coincidence. Then again, there are so many people who could have the same mole. It doesn't mean they're the same person. She became more curious about what Lisa looked like though.

I also happen to know
someone with that exact
same mole.

Really? I guess it's so
common. By the way,
how have you been?

Fine, I guess but
honestly, I still miss

Your baby?

Yes, and her father.

Not to be nosy but
where is he?

It's a she.
I don't know if it
sounds weird to you
but she is a woman who
happen to be gifted with
male organs, if you
know what I mean.

Oh, she's like me?

I guess so.

Wow, it's nice to know
that there are more of
people like me. I mean
it's unfortunate if they
don't like it but good for
me because I know that
I'm not alone.

I am also surprised to
know that you are the
same. By the way, I think
I'd be leaving next month.
I'm still contemplating
though because to be honest,
I grew attached to your
twins although I haven't
meet them yet.

That's sad but I'm
supporting your decisions.
And you know that you can
come and see the twins right?

I know, I know but
even if I want to. I


Nah, someone is searching
for me.

Someone is searching for her? Lisa paused for a while and thought of how it sounded so familiar. Then suddenly a memory popped inside her mind again.

"Pranpriya! Please, listen to me. It isn't what you're thinking! It was them who sent him here. T-they are trying to get me. It's the reason why I am here. They were searching for me. H-he is nothing, I have nothing to do with him!" The woman's tears began to fall from her eyes. She could see it although the face is still blurry like earlier.

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