Chapter 22

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Harry Styles-Love of my life

Hii guys last chapter before epilogue is heree and I'm sorry it took me so long to write this but remember I love you all <3


The wind is slowly becoming stronger, making leaves lift their bodies and send weak individuals to the ground. The weather these days is windy, and cooler alternating with rain and occasional snowing, which Louis and Harry enjoyed enough over Christmas. It's almost mid-January and both of them can't wait for spring.

"We haven't been here for a long time," Louis breaks the silence with his voice slightly hoarse from the winter and turns his body to Harry so his boyfriend understands that all his attention is on him.

Harry rests his head against Louis' chest, trying to get as much warmth as possible on a cold day. "Somehow we didn't have time, we either spent it at your place or in the galleries, I don't regret either of them, but I already missed this place."

Louis also missed his favorite place, more like their favorite place because he hadn't gone here alone since Harry became his boyfriend. The trees are still in the same place, the sun sets in the same blue sky, the only thing that has changed is their relationship, and Louis isn't complaining at all.

Louis is running his fingers through Harry's long hair that Louis has forbidden him to cut and is enjoying a moment of silence observing nature.

"What's our plan today?" Louis asks after a moment, wondering if they'll just cuddle together on his sofa today or if they'll have a productive day. Even if Harry wanted to stay sitting on the bench, outside through the winter, Louis wouldn't say a word and would enjoy sitting next to his lover, so he leaves the decision up to Harry.

Harry leans even more against Louis, shivering slightly from the cold. "I wanted to ask if we could go to the gallery today, I have a small idea of what we could do."

The gallery is Harry's second home and Louis completely tolerates it, he would easily move in there, and lately, he has liked it so much that he doesn't mind spending every single winter day there, but he is not sure what Harry means by the idea because so far their day in the gallery has looked like they were preparing some kind of exhibition, Louis watched Harry paint or they had a picnic again when no one was there.

"Okay, sure babe. Are we going now?"

Harry stood up pulling his coat tighter around him and giving Louis a hand to help him up after almost two hours of sitting. Their limbs have frozen from the cold but also from not moving. "Yes, we can go now, nobody should be there today."


The light of the candles is reflected through the spaces of the gallery, creating a less depressing and more cozy atmosphere. Louis is seated on the floor in front of a large canvas while Harry goes to take off his coat and bring painting supplies. He's not sure what Harry has planned, maybe he'll just paint and Louis will watch him, which is one of his favorite things to do.

After a few minutes, Harry comes out of his supplies room, which is in the back of the gallery, with full hands of paints, two aprons and a lot of brushes, and a container of water. Louis immediately gets up to help his boyfriend who is visibly struggling with all the tools in his hands.

It took them a while to place everything on the floor around the canvas without making a mess across the gallery, and shield their clothes with the apron. Now they are both sitting on a blanket in front of the canvas, Louis leaning his back against Harry's chest, his boyfriend's arms wrapped around his waist kissing his neck lightly. Lately, they are more affectionate than ever before and Louis has learned to live with it so much that he expects unstoppable contact with Harry.

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