'I can't. I won't. Not even—not even for Jacob. There's still a chance.' No matter how small.

Lucifer tried to look sympathetic. 'Do you really want to sacrifice him in order to save a world that has treated you like rubbish, Kaitlyn? Is that really smart? Or wise? Look at this "Madam Sheree"—a fine example of betrayal. Look at what she's done to Jacob. She's willing to sacrifice everything that you are not. And what about your parents, Kaitlyn?' His voice was soft but low, gentle but penetrating. A muscle twisted in Kaitlyn's chest. 'Remember what happened to them?'

Tears swelled in Kaitlyn's eyes. 'If I tell you, you'll just kill him too.'


'Yes, you will.'

'No, I won't.'


'You think you're the only one who loves Jacob? Believe it or not but I loved him too, once. Just as he loved me. Tell me where you are, and I'll have you both. Not only that but I'll destroy those who dared harm him and upset you, including this "Madam Sheree". What do you say, Kaitlyn? What choice do you have?'

Kaitlyn dropped her chin to her chest. A tear clung to her eyelid.

'If you tell me, you can have everything. Don't tell me—and I'll give you nothing.' Abruptly, his soft low voice switched to a growl. 'The witch will slaughter him and you'll watch him die, even as the end remains inevitable. What sense does that make?'

Kaitlyn winced, remembering the horrific thud of the iron pole as the boy hit Jacob, as though he'd meant nothing. As though he was just an animal. But I will have you once this is all over. They'll make a spectacular addition to my hunting trophies. Kaitlyn clawed her fingers into her knees. Who says that to an angel?

Jacob's head had felt so heavy in her lap, his skin so cold. The tears were hot against Kaitlyn's cheeks. She licked their salt away from her lips.

'I'm being reasonable here, Kaitlyn. I am not scheming. This is merely logic.' He rested his hand upon hers. 'Kaitlyn ...'

Kaitlyn jerked her eyes to his. Lucifer's gaze seemed to flicker like blue flames. The words tumbled from her lips, as though somebody else was speaking them. 'Save him.'

'Where are you?'

Kaitlyn told him.

His eyes blazed. 'Your wish is my command.'

'Promise me one more thing.'


'Hurt them. I want you to hurt them.'

'It'll be my pleasure ... my love.'

He pressed his lips together as he tightened his grip around her hand. The tears had stopped now and Kaitlyn's face felt sticky. She didn't feel regret or guilt, only a sickly hollowness in her chest. It wasn't her fault. They'd forced her to do it. Kaitlyn was expected to do the right thing, and yet those like Madam Sheree were allowed to be as bad and selfish as they pleased.

It wasn't fair.

Releasing her hand, Lucifer turned his face to the ceiling, Kaitlyn watching on numbly. His big hands were lying face up in his lap. His blue eyes turned distant. Time was up.

They would come.

He dropped his eyes back to Kaitlyn with a smile.

'Let me go back,' she said. 'I need to get back to Jacob.'

'You are free to go when you wake—as for when that happens, I have no control over it.'

Kaitlyn bit her lip as she thought of the witch's potion. She could feel Lucifer's eyes upon her but she kept her own eyes lowered. She thought of Zeke and Samuel and the other angels. If they knew what she'd done, what would they think of her?

Something cold clutched at her heart. 'What have I done?'

'You did the smart thing. You did what you were born to do.' He took her hand and pressed it to his lips. 'I can't wait to touch you in the flesh. I can't wait to give you everything you ever wanted. When you're down here with me, I'll make sure nothing troubles you again. Nothing will hurt you.'

Kaitlyn looked down into her lap, unspeaking.

'Stop thinking about him,' he snapped.

'I'm not. I'm thinking of what I've done. To everyone I love. To the innocent and good, just so I can save one man.' She looked at him. 'You're right. You were always right. I am like you in too many ways.' She arched her neck as she tried to hold back a wave of guilty tears. 'Hateful. Vengeful. Selfish. And now look what I've done. Father Bartholomew should have killed me. Jacob should have let me die.'

Kaitlyn tried to pull out of bed but Lucifer had a tight grip of her hand

'I want to walk,' Kaitlyn told him sharply.

He let her go. Kaitlyn stood and marched across the room. Opening the door, she walked down the hall. Shadowy creatures scattered like rats out of her way. A shuffling, bald demon dragging its hands behind it like a monkey, looked at her with its one, bloodied eye, before disappearing into the shadows along with the rest.

The torches flickered in their brackets. She remembered how she'd run down this hall as she fled the jackal. She glanced over her shoulder. He was no jackal now as he followed her quietly. Worse, he'd never looked more handsome nor determined nor sure of himself, his mouth curved into a satisfied smile. His blue eyes glittered like little crystals as they met Kaitlyn's.

Ignoring him, Kaitlyn marched onward. She turned a corner. Another short hall later and she found herself outside.

She was standing on a balcony, flames blasting away in the distance. Smoking volcanos belched their contents in thick rivers of black and red. They looked like they were bleeding. Oily rivers snaked between jagged mountains. Smoke coiled in the sky. There was no brightness in hell, except for its many fires. No sun. But plenty of heat.

Kaitlyn stared as she gripped onto the stone railing. She turned to look behind her at the rocky peak of Lucifer's home, an extinct volcano, black and jagged and towering like a monster above the rest of his world.

Lucifer stood beside her, his hand touching hers as he, too, gripped the railing. 'Just think, this will all be yours very soon. And not just this but Earth too. All its oceans and mountains and people. You can help me make it however you want it to be.'

Kaitlyn stared out at the vista.

She could feel his frustration at her coldness. He tightened his hands around the rail. 'And if you refuse, then you can stand back and watch.' A volcano rumbled, making the balcony shudder as it spewed out a river of lava. She could smell the sulphur. Her throat tickled against the grainy air.

Lucifer smiled as he turned towards her. 'But you will.' He reached up to stroke her cheek. 'You will.'

He slid his arm around her waist. Kaitlyn didn't fight him. There was no point. He covered her hand with his as she continued to grip the railing.

Kaitlyn's nose twitched at a strange smell. She sniffed, then winced. It wasn't from the sulphur or the soot or smoke or burning flesh—she'd become used to all that now—it was the smell of something thick and pungent. It reminded her of a cheap perfume that had turned stale but was still strong enough to make her throat itch.

'What's that smell?' Kaitlyn said.

'What smell?'

She cleared her throat, then cleared it again, but couldn't get rid of the itch. Clawing at her neck, she staggered backwards. She coughed, then gagged, then retched. Her eyes stung. Her mouth went dry.

She sucked in a choking breath.

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