Rihanna ended up taking my seat that was apparently her seat she was chill though she even offered to share the chair. My dad just had me on his lap, in which I fell asleep on, I  just got really tired . 

"Kyd you good my baby", he nudged at me. 

"Huh I am good why?", I said waking up noticing mostly everyone was gone. Except for my parents, the blonde girl, Rihanna and a few others. "I saw moms part and then I don't remember anyone else. Did the show end?"

"Yeah you slept through a good part of it. I told you Kynedy you can not sleep through these events it is very disrespectful to guest and the model. Do you know the embarrassment you caused me? ", my mom inserted herself.

"Nev she's just 5, nobody was bothered by her and she has been very good this whole day.  No need to make her feel bad.", I looked at them.

"Hey you come here real quick I got something for you", an older lady approached me.

"Can I go?", I looked at my parents.

"Yeah go ahead be good thats my boss", my mom warned.

I followed her she took me back to the dressing room where our stuff was there she showed me a bag of stuff for me.

"I am Tina, I know you are Kynedy. I wanted to say you were very good at the show you very calm no crying or nothing. Im very proud of you and for being so awesome this is for you.", she handed me the basket.

"Thank you Ms. Tina I love it, but I fell asleep and I was wrong for that."

"It's okay you are 5 for you this is all different and thats okay. Sleeping is not an issue we all have fallen asleep in places we were supposed to be. I gotta go catch up with some people. Beyoncé is gonna be here and then your parents will come if you want snacks go get feel free."

"Okay thank you.", I sat there. I wanted to open the basket but I knew my mom would like that. I was just looking at everything it looked cool.

"Hi there Im Beyoncé", the blonde girl said to me with the thickest accent.

"Omg your accent is thick, I'm Kynedy.", she chuckled.

"Yeah thats cause Im from Texas, almost everyone in Texas has my accent. I gotta say you were awesome today we enjoyed having you here.", she smiled at me.

"Thank you, it was fun today. Im glad my mom brought me", I kept looking at the bag.

"You want me to open it for you, I know you want to color or play with some slime.", she nudged.

"Just a little bit of slime", I suggested.

She helped me get slime, I was having fun with it and then my parents both appeared. I looked at them scared knowing I didn't wait for them.

"What's all this?", my mom asked.

"Oh we got her some stuff cause she was amazing today very well behaved.", Tina answered.

"Kynedy you ready to go out and eat.", dad said.

"Yeah yeah", I jumped up.

I said by to my mom who was just angry, Im not sure for what. My dad was chill he let me pick the music for the ride, I was playing Destiny's Child their music was some of my favorite.

"Beyoncé do you like Destiny's Child? Their music is the best but they don't release more music.", I said.

"That's actually my music, I wrote that with Destiny's Child when we were younger."

Kynedy CarterWhere stories live. Discover now