She wasn't a violent person, but fucking hell did she want to murder Wesley Harrington.

Knowing Otto would be asleep for a while she got out of bed and went to her husband, she broke the news gently, first explaining that Otto was physically okay. The mental side wasn't looking good.

For the first forty-eight hours all she did was sleep.

She didn't cry once. She wasn't really sad, she was just emotional.

Then she got out of bed and had a bath, instead if looking at her body she watched the ceiling, as she as she seemed to be so often doing.

It took a full week for her to get all her duck's in a row, she had simply texted Kie that she was fine, her father was fine, she was just taking a week off.

JJ hadn't said anything, it really wasn't his place to, after he dropped her off he got a text from Otto that under no circumstance was he to do anything to Wes.

He just wanted to do what she wanted, so begrudgingly he agreed.

When she went back to school she acted as if nothing had ever happened, when they enquired about her absence she simply smirked and told them she'd have to kill them is she told them what happened.

Those emotions that felt like they were going to swallow her or burn her from the inside out got buried deep, deep inside of her.

As did most of her emotions.

They were stored away, and she forgot about them.

She met up with them at the Chateau, she was her usual slightly judgemental, sarcastic self.

Otto never felt the need to not act like herself around the group. Back at her hometown she always put up this act, she was always smiling and acted like every boring thing that came out of her friend's mouths was the most fascinating things she'd ever heard. In reality it was boring as sin.

Sitting in the hammock as she so often did Otto sat up to see who was sitting near her, Pope, Belly, Maria and Kie all sat on a sofa opposite them. JJ, however, sat on a chair that was near Otto.

It was almost like he could sense her looking in his direction as his head turned and saw her.

Her once neatly braided hair was now a little messed up, flyaways poking out in random places. She was wearing what was obviously an old, navy knit jumper. Not to mention the lazy smirk on her face.

He couldn't read anything she was truly thinking. Just what she wanted other's to see.

He wanted to ask what she was feeling, if she was okay, and how he could help.

But there was no way that'd go down well.

"Can you push the hammock?" She asked him.

Of course he would, but he didn't want to make himself look like a kindergartner with a crush so he glared at the girl.

"What's in it for me?" He asked.

"I give a mean high five."

"I'm going to need more than that, love."

"One, don't call me love. And two, name your price and I'll bring it down to an appropriate level."

"A hug?"

"Go fuck yourself."

"I'd much rather f--"

"JJ. If you want to see tomorrow just shut your mouth."

He raised his hands in defeat and reached out his boot clad foot and gave the hammock a light push. Otto laid back and enjoyed the sway.

Apparently the light movement and little burrito wrap was all it took to send Otto into a deep sleep.

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