"Yes! Yes, I do," Luna replies sticking her tongue out playfully towards Wyatt. He chuckles, happy that he could see this playful side of her.

   Westley grins as he watches Luna interact with them, he could easily see her and Eclipse fitting in with the whole pack. He could see Luna and Willa being great leaders for their pack in the future. Luna also reminded him of the stories he heard as a pup about Elder Willow's daughter, Wanda, the lost Alpha.

   "So, your marks, Willa questions, "do you know what they mean?"

   "From the moment I saw these marks," Luna says as she traces, he packs sister marks, "I knew that the three of us were bonded together as sisters, pack sisters."

   Luna looks up towards her pack sisters and sees relief in their eyes. She realizes then that they hadn't know she had her marks or knew what they meant. All these years they had feared that she wouldn't know about their bonds.

   She looks towards Wyatt to see happiness in his eyes as she continues, "the same thing happened once I saw my other mark, I know what it is and what it means."

   The pack members eyes widen at Luna's statement, they had all know by then that Luna was Wyatt's mate. But none knew how she would take it. Many of them hoped she would accept the mate bond completely and finally become officially part of the pack. They all could sense that there was something different about Luna to everyone else in Seabrook and Zombietown. Between her appearance and her gift, they all knew she was someone special. The more time they spent with her, the more they all can feel a connection between her, and the pack grow. Westley could feel in his heart and soul that Luna was going to play an important role for the pack, even if she wasn't one of the Great Alpha's.

   "Oh, oh," Wynter starts to bounce excitedly as Luna and the pack watch her amused, "Luna can come to The Den and meet the rest of the pack and told about our history and about the prophecy..."

   "Wynter," Willa sternly says, stopping Wynter in the middle of her rambling.

   Wynter freezes, realizing she had started o ramble again and said to much once again. She looks down towards the ground like a scolded puppy, feeling ashamed that she spoke too much again.

   Luna notices everyone's tense reaction when Wynter had mention their history and a prophesy. She was extremely curious about both but could tell that it was a sensitive subject for the werewolves, so she decided to not ask about either.

   "I would love to meet the rest of the pack soon. Of course, if that is alright with them first," Luna says.

   Wynter looks up to see Luna smiling softly at her. Wynter smiles back realizing that Luna wasn't going to bring up their history or the prophesy, which she was grateful about.

   "The rest of the pack would diffidently want to meet you," Willa says.

   "Really?" Luna questions. She had never thought the rest of her pack sister's pack would want to meet her, a measly unimportant human with a weird gift.

   "Most defiantly Alpha," Westley speaks up with a grin, "the pack has always wanted to meet the girl that helped and protected two of our own."

   Luna glances around to see the rest of the pack silently agreeing with what Westley said. It makes her feel better to know that the whole pack wanted to know her.

   Luna then realized that Westley had called her 'Alpha' again. Looking towards Westley confused she asks, "I have a question. Why do you call me Alpha?"

   Westley and the rest of the pack chuckles at the look on Luna's face, with her head tilted to the side a little and confusion in her eyes. She looks like a confused puppy. Wyatt draws Luna's attention by placing a hand on her shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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