"Hey freaks!"

We turn and see Jason with one of his friends and they immediately run and jump into the water towards. Eddie and I begin to panic and he tried to start the boat motor.

"Come on you piece of shit!" He says hitting it.

"Eddie it's not working!" I tell him and we begin to paddle again. But after a while we stop. Eddie turns around and aims the ore at him.

"Stay back man!" Eddie warns. Jason turns and see that his friend has stopped swimming.

"Come on man we almost go em!" But then his friend is pulled underwater.

"Hey! Hey Patrick! Patrick!" Jason yells for him. Then the water breaks and Patrick is up floating in the air. Eddie grabs me protectively and we tries to pull me away as far as possible which just results in us both falling out the boat into the water.

Once I swim back up I call for Eddie not able to see anything since my hair is in my face.

"Eddie" I say spitting out water. "Eddie where are you?" I continue to cough out water I had inhaled, but still plead for him. Something grabs my arm and I see Eddie next to me. "I'm right here" he reassures me. When we here a snap we look back up into the air and see Patrick arms breaking, then his legs, and jaw.

Then he falls back into the water.

"Of fuck!" I cry. "Not again" I mummer over and over again.

"What the hell did you guys to do him?" Jason asks moving the water around like he's trying to look for Patrick.

Eddie grabs me and tries to pull me to continue swimming across the lake before Jason tries to come to us, but surprisingly he begins swims back to the house and screams for people to call 911.

Once we're across we run into the woods and we sit for a second getting our breath. Eddie sees me shivering and gives me his jacket.

"No Eddie you'll be cold"

"Sweetheart I have a long sleeve on and my vest" he reassures me. Once we hear sirens we decided to keep running and after a while we get to what people call "Skull Rock" we climb on top of it which took some effort, but we did it. We laid there and I eventually fell asleep.

In the morning I was woke up by Eddie telling me that they were gonna come and meet us here. Soon we here Dustin and Steve's familiar bickering and Eddie jumps down.

"I concur that you, Dustin Henderson are a total...butthead" Eddie says. Dustin walks over and him gives him a hug.

"Jesus we thought you were a goner"

"So you guys just completely forget about me?"I say and all eyes look to me.

"Of course not" Dustin mumbles scratching the back do his neck.

"Come help me down Eddie" I grumbled. He climbed back off the rock and led me down.

Once everyone showed up, which was now Nancy and Lucas along with Robin and Max, they gave us some water.

"Do you guys know what time the attack happened?" Nancy asked.

"Oh yeah I do" Eddie says and begins taking off his watch. "My walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked" And he tosses it to her.

"9:27" she mutters.

"Same time our flashlight went all crazy" Robin adds.

To The End || EDDIE MUNSON x READER||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin