Chapter 18

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Your POV: 

'Tell me what did you learn from the Tillamook burn? Or the fourth of July?'

I had never been more scared in my life. And three people in the room knew I was afraid, me, Stan, and It. I was gripping Stan's hand as tight as I could, so afraid that if I were to let go, even for a second, I would lose him. The clown just started laughing and he looked at me then at Eddie and pointed at us. I look at Eddie and he looks at me, we both had fear written all over our faces. It lunged for Eddie first and I pull the gun out of the waistband of my skirt. I aim the gun at the clown's head and pull the trigger. The bullet fires right into the side of his fat head and I grin ever so slightly. Everyone looks at me, shocked, and Eddie smiles slightly. "You cover up your fear by protecting those who protect you," the clown says, grinning. He looks at me and then looks at everyone else and then at Hil. It lunges towards Hil and jumps at her tackling her to the ground. He scratches across her arm and I scream. I aim the gun at the clown's head once again and shoot, over and over again. The clown rolls off of Hil and lays on the ground for a few seconds. He springs up and grabs Stan by the throat, lifting him off the ground. Stan is struggling and I feel frozen, I couldn't move. The love of my life was in danger, and I was standing there like a fucking deer in headlights. "Put him down," I mutter, choking back sobs. "Hm?" The clown says, turning his head all the way around and looking at me. "I said, put. Him. Down. Right fucking now." I say louder this time as I lock eyes with the clown. The clown tosses Stan like he weighed nothing and I go running towards him. As I'm running towards Stan, I feel a large claw slash across my chest and my stomach. I gasp and double over in pain, clutching my stomach. I don't know where my gun went, I hadn't even realized I dropped it until I doubled over. Hil and Eddie run towards me while the other losers try to hold off It. I lay there on the cold hard ground crying and gasping for breath. Stan is now by my side and he pulls me into his arms. I don't remember much of anything else but ending up in an ambulance with Stan, Hil, and Eddie not leaving my side. I think I blacked out while in the ambulance, but I'm not entirely sure. I remember being in a lot of pain, mostly from my knee, my upper body, and my head. I don't know which was causing me the most pain, My knee considering the amount of weight I was putting on it when I was technically supposed to be resting it. My upper body that had 4-5 long and deep gashes across it. Or my head, which was pounding and bleeding from somewhere. But I do know I was in so much pain, it was more than unbearable. And I hate being in pain.


Fourth of July (Stanley Uris x female!! reader)Where stories live. Discover now