Chapter 3

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Rosa and Gina had gotten Amy settled into the hospital. Amy had to go for a brain ct, have her bloods taken and put on an IV drip. Rosa and Gina supported her through it (Rosa not so much when they were taking her bloods) and they sat by her when she was in bed. Amy woke up after a while alarmed "what happened? Where am i?"Amy panicked. Rosa gripped her hand a little more. "You're in the hospital, its nothing to bad you just fell unconscious and i was worried and Gina was worried and we took you here. Don't worry, nobody knows. They just think you're sick and that me and Gina took you home and we're staying with you until you wake up or feel a little better"Rosa said returning to her emotionless state. "Damn gurl, you had me and ro-ro scared. Don't do that again or i leak your secrets to the precinct"Gina threatened as she was genuinely worried about her friend. Amy nodded "ill try not to Gina." They all sat around for a while. "Why dont you go and take the test now. We have nothing else to wait for, except your results and discharge papers."Rosa suggested as she was very bored listening to the machine. "Rosa im scared, i dont wanna take one alone."Amy made it very clear she was very nervous. "What if i took one with you, just so you're not the only one waiting to find out if your life is going to be altered forever."Rosa put out there, she knew she my regret this. Amy nodded "that would make me feel better, if you dont mind". Rosa and Amy grabbed the box with the tests in and walked off to the bathroom to take them. Gina was bored so she decided to live stream "wassup g-hive! Queen G here from the hospital. I know what you're all thinking 'Damn girl what did you do to end up there' and im grateful you're thinking that. But its not for me. It's for my girl amyyyyyy" She kept streaming and little did she know, Terry was on her live...

In the bathroom, it was silent and awkward as both women took their tests. "Rosa what am i meant to tell Jake if i am. I mean he is still a child himself, he's not mature enough to handle this!"Amy articulated as she was freaking out. Rosa just sat in her stall with her head in her hands "he will be fine with it, and at least if you are you have him and you're not going solo."Rosa sounded as she hid her fears from her. Rosa knew it was possible she was pregnant, but she didnt want to know if she was or not. She had slept with some dude at a bar a while ago when she was silent drinking after solving her huge drug bust. She remembered that she hadn't used protection because she forgot she wasn't on the pill anymore. "Rosa, why did you offer to do this with me. Like really?"Amy asked, curious. Rosa didnt answer her for a minute or two. "Well, i didnt want you to do this alone"Rosa expressed as she couldn't tell amy anything about why she's really doing it. Amy's timer went off on her phone and it made rosa jump a little. She knew what this meant and she was sweating. She was so anxious to look at this little plastic stick and for what. She had spaced out for a minute or two and she found amy checking her test "oh my god, rosa. You're pregnant. Who? What? When? Where? Why?"Amy smiled at Rosa and then hugged her. Rosa just sat there not making any effort to move. "I'm having a child?"Rosa gulped, feeling a lump in her throat. Amy nodded "yeah you are! Oh its amazing, you're gonna make me an aunt Rosa!" Rosa just looked at her blankly. "Well um are you pregnant?"Rosa asked, not wanting to take it in that she was. Amy nodded again "yeah i am! We are both going to have babies!". Rosa just sat there, unable to comprehend it all.

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