Chapter-2 Pregnant

Start from the beginning

Brushing my teeth, I took warm shower, which made my muscles so calm and painless.

Month of December is always freezing and not to forget so warm under the blanket. By the way I forgot to tell you we are New York based graduates. And his home town is Mumbai as well as mine.

Wiping my body, I wrapped a bathrobe around me. Moving to wardrobe, took my dress. Slipping myself in this cozy comfortable dress made me smile. This pregnancy made my face glow and cheeks look so bubbly. I was never fond of makeup. I just applied some talcum powder. Brushing my hair, I tied my hair into pony tail.

Picking out my remaining dresses, inners, stuffed in another bag. Patting myself, I glanced around my whole room to see everything, And I remembered I am going to miss everything. A tear slipped out of my eyes. I started my life here, and going to leave everything made feel miserable. This place became my life. I don't know when tears started slipping out of my eyes and i don't even remember when he came, hugged me. His hugs always makes me comfortable, safe and calm like a father taking care of his daughter.

Arhaan used to accompany me to doctor's appointment. I was nervous when we first time gone to hospital. I Was literally shaking inside but he was there holding my hand making me calm. When i first heard the heart beat of my baby, tears automatically escaped from my eyes. I sobbed looking at the monitor screen. Not only me he was also having tears like me, In his eyes. My heart melt looking at his face. This guy is truly a gem. Who does this just for best friend? This guy is setting an example. I wonder why doesn't he has girlfriend still. Anyone who looks at us can have misconception. Hope he finds a best girl for him.

Everyone thinks he's older than me but truth to say I am year older to him. He sometimes cries, That I should have been younger to him. He is so immature kid sometimes.

My baby best friend. We were from same University but different streams. I was a senior to him. We became friends through library. We have same fantasy in reading books. From theres not full stop. We became flatmates, then best friend's.

"It's okay Meeru, Everything will be fine," He said rubbing my back which made me come out of my world.

"Come lets, Eat. My little man is hungry," He said patting my belly.

"You love this baby so much right," I asked looking at his face to see a beautiful smile spread on his face.

"How can I not love my stupid best friend's baby? I love him. I am going to spoil him so much. You know I always thought I can make you forever my family member," He said making me startled.

"What?," I asked coming out of this shock.

"Yes, I forever wanted you as my mother, bestie, guide, problem solver, and last but not least. I wanted you as my brother's bride," His replied made me shock.

What the hell?

He wanted me as his brother's bride.

He wanted me as his sister in law.

"Have you gone mad?," I asked frowning at him.

"Not at all. I have always wanted you as my brother's bride. You both look match made heaven. You both are neatness freaks and you both cook well. Closing my eyes, I can say you both are perfect to each other. I never knew my timing will be so late, That someone has already made move on you. I regret not asking you before," He said sadly making me bewildered.

This guy is so secretive than me.

He's gone nuts.

"Me and your brother," I asked unsure about his dream. He nodded his making me guilty. I never knew he wanted me as his sister in law.

I am sorry Aru.

It's never going to happen.

"Don't think about this so hard. It's just your wish, And your brother is never going to agree for this dream arrangement, You have made for our relation. You do know what fuss he created, when he arrived for the first time. He already dislikes me. And I can definitely say I will be not in his good books. And It will never happen. You'll get very good sister in law. I am damn sure about this." I said hugging him tightly.

Aww he is so cute.

I just pulled his cheeks making him groan.

"Stop pulling my cheeks. You stupid," He said swatting my hands away. Making me giggle.

"Come on now, Eat your breakfast and we will leave for airport," He pushed a delicious looking plate in my lap. Plating looks so beautiful. Yummy.

I gulped the whole plate in three minutes making him laugh.

"Easy there Mumma tiger, I have made so much food for both of us. I am so happy. Finally, I am taking my best friend to my house. You'll be happy there stupid. That's my promise to you," He said clutching my hands in his making me feel so happy.

I am forever debt to you Arhaan.

You're ray of hope in my darkness.

You'll be the one who'll lead to my destiny.I don't know why I feel like this.

But this thought made me happy.

Thank you Arhaan.

I don't know what destiny stored for me but I am ready to face everything with my baby beside me.

After eating breakfast, checking everything, giving one last look to our apartment, We departed in taxi which lead to airport. Checking our luggage, We made through immigration terminal and moved to our flight. Sitting on our respective seats, i closed my eyes only feel so nervous.

After so many years, Going to my home country made feel so nostalgic.

One thought that lingered in my mind and heart.

What will happen? Will i survive with mentality of people. I am scared inside mostly of him.

Mr Armaan Joshi.

He's so scary. His scornful words still lingers in my heart. He called me names, which I'll never forget. But i love the way he cares for his family.

He's still a jerk to me.

Pushing those baseless thoughts away, Meanwhile sleep consumed me.

India here we come.....................................

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