Chapter 3- Snow Day

Start from the beginning

*meanwhile in Milton's office, it's getting covered in snow as he's trying to work*

*outside the door Duchess, Lizzie, Sparrow, Alistair, and Bunny are peaking through the door*

Duchess Swan: *begging* Come on, come on...

Lizzie Hearts: *begging happily* Say it! You can do it...

Milton Grimm: *snow falls on the desk* *groans* Ugh! Oh! All right, fine! *announces on the loudspeaker* Attention students. Classes are dismissed for Ever After High's first ever... summer snow day.

Students: *Cheering* Yay! Whoo!

Milton Grimm: *snow falls on his head* *groans* Oh!

*outside snow is covering the school*

Billy Goats- *bleats as they play in the snow*

Apple- *in winter attire* *rolling a big snowball*

*Alistair is being chased by Bunny*

*inside Melody is busting tunes on her turntables while the students are enjoying the snow*

Students: *playful laughter*

Melopy Piper: *smirks* No need to bundle up cause DJ Melody's got hot tunes to keep you nice and warm! *plays dance music*

Students: *playful laughter as students are enjoying themselves*

*Ramona makes a wolf out of snow*

*Holly and Poppy are making snow angels*

*Hunter makes snowboards out of wood for him and Sparrow*

Hunter Huntsman: Consider yourself challenged to a shred-off

Sparrow Hood: *singing* Oww! You're on!

*the two snowboard down the snow ramps*

*on the ground a magical snowball fight is going on against Raven and Mira against Kitty and Faybelle*

Kitty Cheshire: *throws a snowball* *smirks* Meow.

Faybelle- *uses magic to levitate multiple snowballs and throws them* Take that, you two!

Raven Queen: *gasps and uses magic to levitate Kitty's snowball and multiple snowballs*  *smirks* Haha! Nice try snow-cat!

Mira- *smirks slyly while levitating snowballs* Bring it on, snow-fairy!

*the two bombard them with snowball projectiles*

Kitty Cheshire: *disappears dodging the snowballs* *reappears and teases the two but gets hit* Oh! *glares at Maddie*

Madeleine Hatter: *giggling*

*everyone is watching Justine skates when Duchess interrupts*

Students: Yeah! Justine! Woo! Go Justine! Whoa!

Duchess Swan: *pushes through the crowd* Whoa, whoa, hold the mirrorphone Justine. *glares* I'm the best ice dancer round here.

Justine Dancer: *twirling*Do your thing, Duchess. *stops and smirks playfully at her* I haven't met a dance yet I coudn't master. 

Duchess- *blinks and then glares* *gets on the ice and challenges her*

*the two have an ice-dance off*

*on the top floor of the Castleteria, Briar, Ashlynn, and Crystal are watching*

Briar Beauty: *admits* After the year we've had... Phew! A little winter break is snow awesome.

Ashlynn Ella: *looks at Crystal in concern* But tell us why you really came.

Crystal Winter: *admits sadly* It's my mom. She hasn't been herself lately. She's so cold.

Briar Beauty: *jokingly* Uh...isn't that kinda his thing?

Crystal Winter: No, I mean... it's like she's turned bad. She's a total Ice Queen all of a sudden. Life is snow unfair. *sadly* I feel like I've been cursed.

Ashlynn Ella: *admits* Well, maybe it is a curse.

Briar Beauty: *shrugs* It happens.

Crystal Winter: *worried* You think I'm really cursed?

Ashlynn Ella/Briar Beauty: *in unison* Your mom.

Ashlynn: *realizes and looks at them*  Nobody knows more about evil curses than Baba Yaga. I bet she can help.

Briar- *smiles* And we can gather some of the dark magic students to ask about curses.

Crystal Winter: *happily* I knew my old BFFAs would make me feel better. Let's go see them!

Ashlynn- *smiles* We'll go get the others.

*the three walk off*

Students: *chattering*

*Blondie looks down to the others in concern*

Blondie Lockes: *inhales deeply* *smiles for the camera*  Hello everyone! Time for a weird weather report... Ever After High is like one big snow globe, but why?*quickly*  What's the snowy scoop? Is the Evil Queen on the loose? Is it snow global warming? We may never know!

Duchess Swan: Sure we will, we already do! It's because Crystal Winter is visiting.

Blondie Lockes: *titters to Duchess* Ever hear of suspense? *regains composure* Breaking news. The cause of this summer snow is due to the arrival of Crystal Winter! Is she the diva that the tabloids says she is?

*Crystal is walking with Ashlynn, Briar, Raven, Mira, Ginger, and Faybelle*

Crystal Winter: *waves* Hi Blondie! I love your show!

Blondie Lockes: *reports* But is everyone thrilled with the chills Crystal caused? Let's see.

Duchess Swan: *happily* Crystal is cool!

Jillian Beanstalk: *happily* Wicked cool!

Hunter Huntsman: *happily* I'm a big fan!

Sparrow Hood: *sings* She's the bees knees!

Blondie Lockes: *angrily* Okay, cut! This isn't news, it's fluff! Blondie Lockes signing off! *walks away sadly*

Cerise Hood: *takes the mic and announces* This just in: Blondie Lockes needs to chill out! *follows Blondie*

*at the tables*

Cerise Hood: Everything just right, Blondie?

Blondie Lockes: *to Cerise sadly* Spellebrity gossip and weather reports are so last chapter. I need a real news story. *excited*Something dangerous and hexiting. The kind of story that win reporters the Princess and the Peabody award!

*outside Daring is outside looking at himself in the mirror when Rosabella ice skates over*

Rosabella Beauty: Daring Charming, out here staring at his mirror, as opposed to enjoying the snow? *smiles*  What's going on?

Daring Charming: *admits while looking at himself in the mirror* Snow is nice and everything, but my reflection is better.

Rosabella Beauty: Have you ever considered instead of looking at yourself you could take in the scenery and think about someone else for a change? Be...more thoughtful?

Daring Charming: *laughs* Wah ha ha! Thoughtful? I am thoughtful when it comes to the ladies...*continues to gaze into his mirror*

Rosabella Beauty: *admits* A Prince Charming is supposed to be gallant and thoughtful, and helpful towards others, especially when it comes to saving princesses...

Daring Charming: *not paying attention* Oh, I'm sorry, I got distracted. What were you talking about? Something about me, right?

Rosabella- *sighs and rolls her eyes*

Ever After Rewrite: Epic WinterWhere stories live. Discover now