Chapter 3- Snow Day

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*at Ever After High students are busy getting stuff from their lockers for class*

*Raven and Mira have their books and walk down one side of the hall calmly talking*

*Apple walks down on the other side of the hall and notices Raven*

Apple- *calls out* Raven!

*everyone stops what they're doing and looks down the halls*

*Raven notices Apple and her smile fades and looks down bitterly*

*Apple's smile turns to a concerned look*

*the students start chatting among themselves in concern*

*Blondie comes in with her MirrorPad recording Apple and Raven*

Blondie: *reporting* Blondie Lockes here with another relationship rumor-cast! Oh, the whole school knows that Apple White released the Evil Queen during the Dragon Games, putting Ever After in jeopardy, putting a damper on her and Raven's friendship.  *gets in between the two* Awkward! Are these former fairy tale friends about to be frenemies forever after? *to them Apple? Raven? Care to comment?

Apple: *grins nervously* Nnnn-not really.

Raven: *direct with a solemn glare* No.

*Raven walks ahead leaving Apple sadly watching her leave*

*Mira follows Raven to their next class*

Apple- *looks down sadly*

Blondie- *sighs in annoyance* And, there you have it! Tune in next time for more hexiting news. *walks away dejectedly*

*meanwhile Ashlynn and Briar are watching on their Mirror Pads*

Ashlynn Ella: *admits* Briar have you noticed Blondie's reporting lately has been...

Briar Beauty: *admits* Not "just right". Definitely. 

*snow starts to fall*

Briar- *shivers* Did you feel that? Brrr.

Ashlynn Ella: *shivering* It just got freezing in here. Brrr! *notices the snow* Wait a spell, is that... snow?

Briar Beauty: *shocked* Impossible. It's summer.

Sparrow Hood: *interrupts them singing* Snow Yeah!

Briar Beauty: *realizes happily* Unless...

Ashlynn Ella: *excitedly* She's here! 

*the two run through the school and Crystal surprises them*

Ashlynn Ella and Briar Beauty: *happily* Crystal! *giggling*

Crystal Winter: *admits* I thought I was gonna melt in this heat. Ever After High really needs an air conditioner.

Crystal Winter: *hugs them* Ashlynn! Briar!

Ashlynn Ella, Briar Beauty, Crystal Winter: *giggling*

Ashlynn Ella: *happily* Oh! It's been too long! Crystal, it's so fableous to see you!

Girl Students: *gasps happily*

Crystal Winter: *waves* Hello everyone. Snow nice to be back!

Briar Beauty: *to her* We're fairy glad to see you but what are you doing here?

Crystal Winter: *chuckles* Do I need an excuse to visit my best friends forever after?

Briar Beauty: *smiles*Well, of course not Crystal.

Ashlynn Ella, Briar Beauty, Crystal Winter: *giggling*

Crystal Winter: *grabs her ice gun* Now how about we sparkle-ise these old dusty halls.

Ever After Rewrite: Epic WinterUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum